Jewels From JudySaturday, August 12 2006
As the Body of Christ submits itself to the leading of My Spirit, it will find itself broken in My presence. In My presence your agenda will die, your desires that don't line up with Me or My ways will die, your lack of focus on what is important will die. If you will submit to My correction and My crafting in your life, you will find yourself humbled to the ground. You will fall to your face and cry for Me to purge you of your own flesh. As you lay down your life for Me, you will be raised in Me. You fell because of sin, but you rise because of My love and passion for you. The fire of My love will burn all that hinders. Yes, you will prophesy My love and My will. You will lay down all that hinders and be raised in My strength and My power. You will give light in dark places - even when the lights go out. When the lights go out, you will find a candle to light your way. I will never leave you in darkness. I will not leave you as you are in your ways. I will come and rescue you and you will be broken no more. You will rise up in My power This can all happen because you allow Me to humble you and break your heart. This can happen because you lay your agenda down. Rise up in My love and be broken no more. Friday, July 28 2006
As I pour out My words and impartation of My heart to those who hear My voice, I issue a warning. Do not allow your hearts to be elevated into pride because of the abundance of My revelation being poured out upon you. Many of My own that were much more worthy than you longed to hear Me as you do and didn't. You hear Me the way you do because of the urgency of the day you live in and what is to come. I need My remnant built up or surely their hearts will fail them. I do not say this for you to be influenced by a spirit of fear. I do not want you to shrink back or walk timidly. I have given everyone who is called by My name the ability to see through the darkness. Some walk in the fullness of My light and some still yet need to understand. I am pouring out understanding. I am pouring out words of wisdom. This is not to be confused with a word of wisdom, no, this is more than that. I want you to walk continually in My wisdom and understanding. I want you to continually seek My counsel before you ask for My might. I want you to KNOW ME! Knowledge is worthless without knowing Me first. This requires intimacy. I want you to walk in the light of the fear of the Lord which will always bring you back to wisdom. I have a circular way. I Am Everlasting-to-everlasting. As you walk in My Spirit, your flesh will want to puff up. This is why I allowed Paul to have 'a thorn in his side' so that he would humble himself before Me. I gave him great revelations. I am giving you great revelations, but you must walk in and cloak yourself in humility. Do not think more highly of yourself than you ought! Give Me all the glory. My glory will destroy you. This is why I will not share it with flesh. A good and faithful Father will not give to His children that which would bring them destruction. The ways of man will bring destruction to your life. Seek Me! Seek Me! Seek Me! My ways bring life and life everlasting. My ways bring hope. My ways bring righteousness. My ways bring justice! Yes, I told Paul, "My grace is sufficient," however, My grace is not higher than My justice. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of My very throne! Everything is built upon My foundation. Righteousness is what you are clothed in. Justice is your walk. Walk in My justice and then My grace will rest on you and My glory will be seen around you. This is why so many do not walk in My power. My ways are not your ways, child. Walk in My justice and you will walk in My power. Monday, July 17 2006
These words came at a pretty rapid pace this week (July 17-21, 2006) during training at IHOP-ATL (International House of Prayer), and their succession was intriguing. Each one builds on the revelation of the one before it. In the first word, Walk Through the Veil, Billy Humphreywas teaching about the Father Heart of God when Walk Through the Veil was 'downloaded' to me. I mention this pastor by name because I feel I need to give what I call 'the fire of Billy' some credit in creating the atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to flow. Of course it is the fire of God - the intense love of God - in him that I give glory. To be sure, it is a lot of fun to be in the room when the heat is on!!! What was pretty cool was that the Lord asked me to close my eyes and listen to his words as if the Father Himself were speaking to me. It was so awesome! The Father's love is so awesome!!! The words just washed over me. His teaching was actually a 'post-op' from something I went through on this very subject a few weeks back. I was thrilled that my appointment went well with the Great Physician! The word ?Master Surgeon' was given at that time. If you are having trouble in this area I want to extend hope to you. The other 3 words came at various times in the week. Again - remember it is from the love of God for you that these words come. He adores you! Blessings, Judy Walk Through the Veil - 7/17/06 11:30am Do you want the veil removed? You've cried out to have this 'thing' removed - this thing that keeps you from coming to Me. Then you have to get real with Me, about how you really feel about your earthy father. Until you let Me peel that pain away, you will never have intimacy with Me. Do you really want to experience My heavenly realm? You have to get real about what has come between you and your natural dad. Getting real will remove the veil. You must open your spirit to Me. You must open your soul to Me. Your independence doesn't protect you. Your independence is keeping the veil taut. Trust Me in this and see the freedom that comes to your soul. Come out of the façade. Come let Me Father you. Love is the Issue! My love is the highest experience you can have in all creation. Be loved by Me. There is no other thing you need more in life than My love. You ask, "What must we do?" I tell you what I told My disciples, "Believe." Believe what? Believe My love for you. Believe My love is complete. My love is full. My love will encompass you like nothing else. Do I need servants? No, I need My bride to take her place by My side. I never placed you under My feet. As I took a rib from Adam's side - I take My bride to be by My side. I was pierced in My side for My love for you. I wash you with My water; I wash you with My sacrifice. I have chosen to marry one who has been loved by another. Come and take My hand and I will give you My purity. I will comfort you, My bride. No more will the horses of darkness haunt your dreams. Their hooves will be silenced. I will stop them in their tracks. I will stop them from bringing their shame upon you. I Am is your Husband and I will stop at nothing to bring you to Myself. I love you and I will wash you and cleanse you from your past. Give to Me all of your shame and the reproach of your youth. I have betrothed you. I will take you as a virgin. I will marry you and you will be Mine forever! Bare yourself to Me and I will take you into Myself. I will tell you again and again until you really know in your heart that I love you. I love you. I love you! Authority of a Queen I have given you the authority of a queen. The words that you speak must be words that are thought out and deliberate. It is My desire that you declare and decree My will on earth as in heaven. My church is My bride. My church is My queen. She doesn't understand the authority that I have released to her through My sacrificial love for her. I gave her My power; I gave her My authority. I promise My beloved that I AM is with her to the end of the age. You are her! You, Beloved! You are My beautiful bride. Men, get a grip as to what the Lord your God is saying and what this means. Don't get weird on Me. I desire to impart My love to you, but I cannot do that if you fail to understand this mystery. (See Ephesians 5:32) I have called you to go to the nations, but if you don't understand that I send you with the authority of being My queen, you will not capture the hearts of the lost. It's My love that captivates. Let My love first captivate you. Run the Race Don't settle for a false finish line; settle only for My direction and pace. When I lead you into a place of pain for your flesh, know that it must be worked out of you for you to walk in the fullness of My power and authority. Don't look to the approval man gives or it will distract you from My path. My path is narrow and few find it. Too many are more concerned about what man in saying not what I Am says. Do you really want more of Me? Am I really your passion? Then throw off all that hinders you. Run the race set before you and give me all the shackles that are keeping you from finishing in My fullness and My grace. Look at Me. Look at My love for you. It will never fail you. My love will sustain you for the race. Wednesday, July 12 2006
An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: The Hour Is Late Will you come in? Can you not hear My voice beckoning you into the Holy of holies? Do not you understand that I already know why it is you do not want to come into where I Am sits? Everything is exposed in here. You prefer to come to church and go through the niceties and do not realize that you are only in the courtyards; you have yet to come into My presence. You want to sing songs that sound good. You do not want to draw too much attention to yourself. You do not want to turn anyone off. You want it to last just only so long because you have places to go and people to meet, and yet you leave the one Who ransomed your heart from destruction standing there empty-handed. You fool yourself to think I do not see everything from where I sit. The difference is that when you come into My Throne Room of Grace, you seewhat it is in you that does not belong. The real reason you do not come because you know you must look at what is really going on inside of yourself. Do you not see that My desire for you is to be rid of the chains that bind you? Do you not know that I love you with a love that is deeper than anything you can imagine? I desire to bring you to the King's banqueting table! You do not see that you have slop on your plate. Can you see that taking sin into yourself is like eating rubbish? Why would you want to eat garbage when I have a feast prepared for you? You are holding on to hidden sin and it keeps you from My best - it keeps you from the Secret Place of the Most High. You refuse to come into the Holy Place with Me because you will not release these insidious desires of yours. You want to lie and cheat; greed runs amuck in those I call My own. Listen Child of Mine, you do not hide a thing from I Am. You only hide it from yourself. Everything is going to be exposed in the Day. Everything is to be revealed by the fire that burns in My eyes. That fire is My passion for you, but it will consume everything that is not of Me. What will be left standing? Come to Me and I will cleanse you. Do not wait! RUN to the Mercy Seat! Then you can standwith Me and not apart from the One who covers your sins. Then you will be able to worship in the power of My Spirit. Then you will be able to come to Me in truth. Then you will be free! Come! Come into the Holy Place! Come sit at My feet and learn from Me for I Am humble of heart. You will find rest for your souls. I stand at the crossroads looking down at My watch. I Am telling you plainly, the hour is late.Do not think that I come to take you up and out of your mess. I do not speak of what men teach. I speak of the hour in your life that has come and I Am telling you, the hour is late. Those who hear Me have been sending warnings to implore you to seek Me early, yet you think you have all the time in the world. You do not. I see the time. The hour is late. My love is great. Come and soak in My Presence and see what I Am can do with your life! Scripture References: Personal note: This word was one of the first prophetic declarations I received from the Lord to send to the church online. Sunday, July 09 2006
There is something I feel responsible to make clear before you read this. The Lord's words are spoken in a tone of voice of the deepest love you can imagine. If you hear anything other than God's love for you, know that tone is not in line with what is coming from the Throne Room. These earnest appeals from the Lord, I believe, come from the times we live in and the sincere urgency that He wants to impart to His Beloved. Jesus' greatest desire is for us to know Him as we are known. It is my prayer that these words spur us each into action and into a deeper place in Christ. Be encouraged. His love is more than enough; His grace is sufficient. Love in Christ, Judy My Love Is Hot Worship is not a spectator sport. My children, I desire you to come to Me with your whole heart. The half-hearted praises of My people weary My ears. I am exhausted for the straining I must do to hear you worship in spirit and in truth. I am begging you to come to Me while I can be found. Must you always be moved to find Me in calamity? Will you not see the benefits of seeking your God and King during times of plenty? O how much more I could bless you if you were seeking me when you are in good times. Come - Come - Come! Worship Me in spirit and in truth. Seek what this means to your King. My love is an intimate, passionate love. It nauseates Me when I hear My own telling the hurting, "I love you with the love of the Lord," when they could no more care about that person than the man-in-the-moon. Don't have mixed seed - that is to say don't have mixed love. You cannot love Me and love the world. You cannot love Me and love mammon. My love is red hot. My love is not lukewarm. Lukewarm love makes Me want to vomit. Come to Me hot or come to Me cold, but don't come lukewarm. Don't touch those I call 'MINE' with lukewarm love. I desire to have you touch My heart and My hurting with hot love. My love is hot. Sunday, July 09 2006
There is something I feel responsible to make clear before you read any of these 'jewels'; the words from the Lord are spoken in a tone of voice of the deepest love you can imagine. If you hear anything other than God's love for you, know that tone is not in line with what is coming from the Throne Room. These earnest appeals from the Lord, I believe, come from the times we live in and the sincere urgency that He wants to impart to His Beloved. Jesus' greatest desire is for us to know Him as we are known. It is my prayer that these words spur us each into action and into a deeper place in Christ. Be encouraged. His love is more than enough; His grace is sufficient. Judy My Love Is Hot - 7/9/06 During corporate worship the Lord asked me to stop and look around. Then He gave me this word: Worship is not a spectator sport. My children, I desire you to come to Me with your whole heart. The half-hearted praises of My people weary My ears. I am exhausted for the straining I must do to hear you worship in spirit and in truth. I am begging you to come to Me while I can be found. Must you always be moved to find Me in calamity? Will you not see the benefits of seeking your God and King during times of plenty? O how much more I could bless you if you were seeking me when you are in good times. Come - Come - Come! Worship Me in spirit and in truth. Seek what this means to your King. My love is an intimate, passionate love. It nauseates Me when I hear My own telling the hurting, "I love you with the love of the Lord," when they could no more care about that person than the man-in-the-moon. Don't have mixed seed - that is to say don't have mixed love. You cannot love Me and love the world. You cannot love Me and love mammon. My love is red hot. My love is not lukewarm. Lukewarm love makes Me want to vomit. Come to Me hot or come to Me cold, but don't come lukewarm. Don't touch those I call 'MINE' with lukewarm love. I desire to have you touch My heart and My hurting with hot love. My love is hot. Personal note: When the Holy Spirit asked me to look around in worship, I saw so many just not connecting to Him. It was clear their minds were somewhere else and it really bummed me out. I don't normally look around during worship because I think worship is really personal, so I try to respect people's privacy. I am there to seek the face of God, not to watch what people are doing. What I saw (spiritually) was disheartening and I felt His sorrow. Understand, this is not a specific church that the Father seeks to single-out. What I was witnessing was 'a matter of the heart' of His Bride - the Church. It just happened to be manifesting where I was at - and it certainly wasn't for the lack of skilled musicians. I would suggest that you ask the Lord what He meant in John 4:23 and let Him speak to you. The Exchange - 6/28/06 O My beloved. Can't you see that I desire to make an exchange with you? I want to give you beauty for ashes and joy for fear. I want you to hand Me the broken events from your life - the rejection, shame, heartbreak, grief, fear, and everything that fills your heart that is not from Me. Give Me the defiling things in your heart. Let the exchange take place. As you release each one, fill that place in your heart with My approval, My forgiveness, My joy, My peace, My love. But remember, it's all because of My intense love for you. Turn Off the Noise - 6/28/06 (This word was given about 30 minutes after, The Exchange. I was awoken by the Lord out of deep sleep both times and wrote them down.) So many of My children go through life with non-stop noise. The TV is on, the radio is on, the CD's are playing. You think you are 'plugged in' with your cell phones, computers, I-Pods, Blackberries and such. But in plugging into the barrage of racket going on around you - you have un-plugged yourself from Me. Those things are not your life-line. I Am your life-line! Do you wonder how some hear the voice of the Lord and some don't? I Am the 'still small voice.' I will not override your will. Your desire is to hear what the world has to offer, but will you take the time to sit in the quiet of the day and seek Me out? Do you want to hear the 'still small voice' of the One who loves and adores you? Do you want to hear from the One who wants to give you solutions to your most difficult life questions? Turn off the noise. The Cold and Distant Bride - 7/12/06 The Lord has been speaking to me in the past few days in a way that is difficult to describe; it is so tender and yet full of agony. There is such an ache and longing in His voice. We think if He is speaking sternly that He is mad and that is not it. That is not it at all. It is His passionate desire for us. His love for His Church is so intense and deep. Most of those who are 'called by His name' are satisfied with so little (spiritually) and He died so that we could have so much more (spiritually). His reminded me today how He asked Hosea to marry a woman whose affections were distant at best. She went to others to be satisfied and it was God's way to show how painful it is for Him when we seek the worldly things and mix them with Christ's burning passion for His cherished Church. This is what makes us lukewarm, beloved. He went to the Cross and demonstrated His deep and passionate love for us by being the very ransom for our captivity. Then many who have accepted the gift of salvation - those whom He died for - go on about their lives as if He had done nothing at all? How can this be??? Will the Beloved of Christ really just go on her merry way after seeing the enormity of His sacrifice? Do they see the extent of the vast love He has shed? Maybe we need to see Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion of the Christ once more so that it is vivid in our minds. I feel Him begging us, pleading with us even to come to Him. Will we be like the five foolish virgins who presumed that they had enough light in their lamps to see them through the dark days, or will we be like the wise virgins who invested in extra oil so that their lights would not go out? Will we be like the wife of Hosea or the Bride who has made herself ready? Hosea 1:2 When the LORD began to speak through Hosea, the LORD said to him, "Go, take to yourself an adulterous wife and children of unfaithfulness, because the land is guilty of the vilest adultery in departing from the LORD." Rev 19:7, 8 Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.) It is my sincere prayer that you turn your affections and your attention to the Lord. Please - turn off the noise so you can hear Him. I pray you will invest in the oil of the Lord. Seek the Lord while He can be found. The Lord calls, He beckons, "Come!" But He does NOT force His will on us. Will you come as a readied bride? Come into the Holy of holies and worship your King. He is worthy. Romans 8:5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. The Hour is Late - 7/12/06 Won't you come in? Can't you hear My voice beckoning you into the Holy of holies? Don't you understand that I already know why it is you don't want to come into where I Am sits? Everything is exposed in here. You prefer to come to church and go through the niceties and don't realize that you are only in the courtyards; you have yet to come into My presence. You want to sing songs that sound good. You don't want to draw too much attention to yourself. You don't want to turn anyone off. You want it to last just only so long because you have places to go and people to meet, and yet you leave the one Who ransomed your heart from destruction standing there empty-handed. You fool yourself to think I don't see everything from where I sit. The difference is that when you come into My Throne Room of Grace, you see what it is in you that doesn't belong. The real reason you don't come because you know you must look at what is really going on inside of yourself. Don't you see that My desire for you is to be rid of the chains that bind you? Don't you know that I love you with a love that is deeper than anything you can imagine? I desire to bring you to the King's banqueting table! You don't see that you have slop on your plate. Can you see that taking sin into yourself is like eating rubbish? Why would you want to eat garbage when I have a feast prepared for you? You are holding on to hidden sin and it keeps you from My best - it keeps you from the Secret Place of the Most High. You refuse to come into the Holy Place with Me because you will not release these insidious desires of yours. You want to lie and cheat; greed runs amuck in those I call My own. Listen Child of Mine, you do not hide a thing from I Am. You only hide it from yourself. Everything is going to be exposed in the Day. Everything is to be revealed by the fire that burns in My eyes. That fire is My passion for you, but it will consume everything that is not of Me. What will be left standing? Come to Me and I will cleanse you. Don't wait! RUN to the Mercy Seat! Then you can stand with Me and not apart from the One who covers your sins. Then you will be able to worship in the power of My Spirit. Then you will be able to come to Me in truth. Then you will be free! Come! Come into the Holy Place! Come sit at My feet and learn from Me for I Am humble of heart. You will find rest for your souls. I stand at the crossroads looking down at My watch. I Am telling you plainly, the hour is late. Do not think that I come to take you up and out of your mess. I do not speak of what men teach. I speak of the hour in your life that has come and I Am telling you, the hour is late. Those who hear Me have been sending warnings to implore you to seek Me early, yet you think you have all the time in the world. You don't. I see the time. The hour is late. My love is great. Come and soak in My Presence and see what I Am can do with your life! It's His LOVE church. Everything... it's all about His love. His discipline leads to holiness and without it we are in trouble. There is a Scripture that I think will bless you (if you have made it this far!) It is Hebrews 12:5-15. God's discipline yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness. Yum. There's something sweet to sink your teeth into! Will you let Him burn out everything in your heart that doesn't belong to Him; then will you ask Him to leave everything of Him ablaze? Seated with you in Christ, Judy Bauman Monday, May 22 2006
My child, the work I do in you is not the work of the world. I see those things that must be cut out. Those things that hinder and those things that cause you to react in ways you do not understand - they mustcome out of you for you to walk forward in My will for your life. Trust Me with the knife as I am the Master Surgeon. I can cut those cancerous ways out of your being and make you new again. When I Am the One you turn to for help, you will see a change. Some say that leopards can't change their spots. This is true, but I can change them if it is My desire! It is neither by your might nor by your power, but it is by My Spirit. Let Me cut out the cancer in your soul. Let Me cut away the malignant growth. Let Me cleanse the deep and infected wounds and remove all traces of gangrene. Don't you know that gangrene comes from the lack of blood to living tissue? Let Me apply the blood of My Only Begotten Son to your deepest of wounds. Let Me apply the Balm of Gilead. Let Me give you the heart transplant you so desperately need. Let Me inject My DNA into the depths of your being. Watch as you are transformed from glory to glory! Do not fret if this takes multiple surgeries. You are indeed going from glory to glory. This is a process, beloved child. I know exactly how much you can really take at any given time. I will bring you into My operating room when I know it is the precise time - not too soon - not too late. I will bring you in as many times as it takes to cut away the deadness of your wound. I will only cut as deep as I know that you can recover, and then I wait until you are truly ready again. This kind of work takes time. Do not worry about your schedule or how far along you are in the process. I Am familiar with all your ways. You truly can trust Me. Let Me touch that wound and bring restoration as you have never imagined. Bind yourself to My Son. Bind yourself to My will. Bind your body to the perfect work of the cross. I will loosen the enemy's strangle-hold. I will skillfully cut away his influence and remove his talons from the death-grip they have had on you. Trust Me. All of the rejection and fear and demonic oppression will no longer hold you back from My very best for you! I will never abandon you. Though your earthy father and mother forsook you, I never will. I will bring you near and draw you to Myself. My arms will never drop you. None can steal you from My embrace. Go to sleep and breathe deep from the depths of the well of My love for you. Rest my love. Be still and know that I Am your God and your Father. When you awaken from your slumber, I will have made a permanent change in you as I have replaced your wound with My comfort, My love and My desire for you. Let My will be done in you, My precious earthen vessel, as it is in heaven. Trust Abba to care for you in the way that I know best. With everlasting love, Saturday, February 25 2006
The Lord's Orchestra The Lord showed me an orchestra. All the players were warming up and fine tuning their instruments. It was a loud and cacophonous uproar. While anticipation and excitement filled the air, the clamor was over-whelming. Finally all the musicians in the orchestra had their instrument in tune. They stopped everything they were doing and gave the conductor their full attention. He raised his baton and they began to play in beautiful harmony as he led them. It was beautiful. The Lord revealed that the orchestra is His prophets. In times past we have each gone through the process to fine tune our ears to hear His voice. We have learned that we have to engage all our senses to hear the Holy Spirit. We have spent time practicing and tuning our 'instruments'. Sometimes it has been clamorous. In times past many voices often sounded like they were all saying different things, but we have come into a new season. This is a season of harmony. In this season if something is out of tune, it will be much easier to discern. Let us proclaim with one voice, by One Spirit, the heart of the Father. May His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is time for Jesus' prayer in John 17 to be conducted. It is time to play the same song together in the same key, rhythm, and pitch, on tempo, and in harmony. It is a time for synchronization to be realized in the prophetic. It is a time for our voices to become one in Christ. It is time to come under Godly authority and allow His leadership to orchestrate the song of the Lord. Let us "Be still and know that He is God." Please see Ephesians 2:18-22 Since I know very little about an orchestra I looked up some terms and found these interesting: Conductor - One who directs a group of performers. The conductor indicates the tempo, phrasing, dynamics, and style by gestures and facial expressions. Temperament - Refers to the tuning of an instrument. Cadence - A sequence of chords that brings an end to a phrase, either in the middle or the end of a composition. Deceptive cadence - A chord progression that seems to lead to resolving itself on the final chord; but does not. Dissonance - Harsh, discordant, and lack of harmony. Also a chord that sounds incomplete until it resolves itself on a harmonious chord. Harmony - Pleasing combination of two or three tones played together in the background while a melody is being played. Harmony also refers to the study of chord progressions. Hymn - A song of praise and glorification. Most often to honor God. Thursday, February 23 2006
This is shared and written for your edification, so when these things come to pass you will see God's hand on you and you will rejoice because of His faithfulness to you and His love for you. I heard: "Do not be overly concerned about the pruning which has come and is to come. It is from Me and will accomplish what I have set out to do in your midst." "Incline your ear to Me. I am pouring forth a new wine and it will take a season to mature. The fruit that is to come from this pruning will be not only sweet to your taste but filling. It will also produce a bumper crop." "Fear not! I say again! FEAR NOT! For I Am with you." "You plant, some water. But I will, I will, I will bring forth the growth." "Seek My face." "Seek me early, seek Me late, seek Me in the midst of trial, seek me in the quiet hours of the night. SEEK ME!" "I will be found by you and I will tell you those things that your heart longs to hear." Amen In His grace, Judy Saturday, February 11 2006
Hear O Church! Arise and walk in the spirit of Esther! Beloved, you are to look at Queen Esther's example in her dealing with Haman to know how to deal with this treachery brewing in Iran. This wicked plot to destroy Israel has come up to your Father's nostrils as a stench! How foolish is this? This leader's pride is like Haman's in the book of Esther. He is of the spirit Haman. Does he not know that the God of Israel's chosen people are hidden everywhere - even within Iran's own top ranks? Your intercessions will bring this man's plotting to ruin! PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM! Go to this book, Church. Esther was a type and a shadow for you to follow. You are My lovely and chosen bride. You are the one who can turn My head with your beauty and your grace. Come and ask of Me now. Purify yourselves and come into My chambers. I will make known to you how to pray. This is a love story that I gave you for instruction! Haman thought he was so high and so great that all should bow down to him. When My servant, Mordecai, refused to bow to him it made him furious. Haman learned Mordecai was Jewish and so he sought to kill them all because of his hatred for Mordecai. He wanted to purge the world of My people because one man refused to bow to him. So he went to the king of Persia, King Ahasuerus (aka Xerxes), and received the king's permission to write letters to the entire empire stating the Jewish people were to be utterly annihilated (on what is normally near February 28th of the Gregorian Calendar, however falls on March 13-14, 2006). His empire had 127 provinces and stretched from India to Ethiopia. When Mordecai learned of the plot to destroy the Jews, he tore his clothes and cried out in sackcloth and ashes. He got word toEsther that even she would not be able to escape this evil. Then he relayed the famous words, "Who can say but that God has brought you in for such a time as this." The Jews all fasted and prayed for Esther to be accepted into the king's inner court so that he would intervene on their behalf. After the third dayEsther put on her royal robes and in her beautiful and gracious way came to present herself to the king. The king's response to her was one of delight. Hear MY CHURCH! The king was delighted in her! He loved her and was so taken by her beauty he not only offered her his golden scepter, but also up to half his kingdom! Esther, in My wisdom, didn't yet speak what was in her broken-heart. She only asked the king and Haman to a banquet that she had prepared. As they enjoyed themselves, the king inquired of her petition. Her only request was for him and Haman to return the second night and she would set another banquet before them. Haman had no clue what was awaiting him. He left that feast on top of the world. Then he saw Mordecai who refused to bow, and Haman's blood boiled within him. Haman was so filled with hatred that night he commissioned gallows 75 feet high to be built on which to hang Mordecai. But the king's heart was stirred that very night and he was reminded of Mordecai's loyalty to inform the king of a plot against his life. The king sought to honor Mordecai and brought Haman in the next day to inquire what tribute should be paid to a loyal man who pleased the king. Haman smugly thought of himself - that it was he who would be honored - so he counseled the king. In every manner this man should be honored! He suggested a royal robe, a royal horse and a royal crown - all which had been used by the king! And the clincher was that one of the king's noble men was to escort him through the streets and shout before him saying, "This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!" All this Haman said fully expecting he was to be the recipient! Then the king announced that Haman was to do ALL he had recommended, but to bestow the honor to Mordecai the Jew! Haman obeyed and did as the king commanded, but afterward he hung his head in utter humiliation and rushed to return home to hide his shame. Just that quickly he was summoned for the second dinner withQueen Esther where the king asked for her petition. She beseeched King Ahasuerus to spare her people from utter slaughter and annihilation. When he demanded to know who was so reprehensible to do such a thing, the Queen told him it was Haman. Haman was hung that night on the very gallows he had built for Mordecai and his sons later followed him to that end. Read what is recorded in Esther and pay close attention to what has been emphasized: 8:2 So the king took off his signet ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai; and Estherappointed Mordecai over the house of Haman. HEAR O CHURCH!!! The Lord your God is showing you something in this that needs to be applied to this ? Haman' of Persia. Look at this carefully: 8:7 Then King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther and Mordecai the Jew, "Indeed, I have given Esther the house of Haman, and they have hanged him on the gallows because he tried to lay his hand on the Jews. Israel needs our prayers. Those who cry out for freedom inPersia - Iran - also need our prayers, as they are under the rule of this vile spirit. Make no mistake that this man's intention is todestroy all of Israel. That appetite for murder will not be satisfied by just destroying the one country (Mordecai). Haman's spirit is after the Jewish people wherever they may be. The decree will go out for all to be murdered wherever they may be because this spirit will not rest until it sees all Jews dead or itself is killed. Just as Mordecai warned Esther, so must My church take this warning: 8:13 "Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king's palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Make haste. Pray for the triumph of Esther and Mordecai to sweep through the Middle East. Write and declare My word over Israel. Pray for the peace of My city, Jerusalem! Write it and seal it with the signet ring that I give you. My third dayhas come and you may come boldly to the inner court to My Throne of Grace! The golden scepter is extended. So COME! You say to Me, "Lord, Come quickly!" But I say to you, "Esther, My Bride, My Church, COME QUICKLY!" Scriptures To Consider: Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Matthew 5:43-45 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ 2 Chronicles 20:14 "Listen, all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem . Thus says the Lord to you: 'Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's. DECREE: I write not on my own authority but on the authority given to me by my Father and through the blood shed on the Cross atCalvary by His First-born, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. Through His resurrection and by His Holy Spirit, He has given me the directive to make plain this decree. My credentials are listed in the Lamb's Book of Life. I am His possession and have been marked with His seal. It is His signet ring which seals this decree. The Father I speak of is the God of all creation, the Maker of the heavens and the earth. This same God, whom I call Father, has called Israel His own. Psalms 135:4 For the LORD has chosen Jacob to be his own, Israel to be His treasured possession. God Himself named Israel As it is written in Genesis 35:9-12 After Jacob returned from Paddan Aram, God appeared to him again and blessed him. God said to him, "Your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be called Jacob; your name will be Israel." So He named him Israel. And God said to him, "I am God Almighty; be fruitful and increase in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will come from your body. The land I gave to Abraham and Isaac I also give to you, and I will give this land to your descendants after you." The LORD will not forsake them 1 Kings 6:13 "I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake My people Israel." God does not take back His calling or His gifts. Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. This decree is written to warn this president who has openly called for Israel to be "wiped off the map," to repent for making this threat. Global authorities which overlook nuclear policy must not be ignored. He has placed himself in the same shoes of Haman as well as those ?sons' - those who are made in his same image - all of which will meet a similar end if an honest apology is not forthcoming. Haman suffered the death that he himself had devised for Mordecai. The very weapons devised against the Jewish nation of Israel will come back on this president's own house if he does not turn away from his course of action. There is time for repentance. Comply with global authorities and repent to the Lord of hosts for launching threats against His treasured Israel. The Lord God is faithful and just to forgive all sin and to cleanse you of all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 Right now I launch prayers of peace over Jerusalem. I release a shield of faith over Israel. I pray for the strengthening ofMichael - the great prince who stands watch over Israel - and all who are within his ranks. Israel, you who are great beloved by the Lord, see to it that your names are written in the Book of Life. Read Daniel 12:1 I pray for the redemption of the Persian people. Look up O People of Iran! Your Help draws near! I pray for those who are in captivity, especially the woman who have endured great torture at the hands of the wicked. I launch ?peace-seeking' missiles into Iran! I pray for the Prince of Peace to reign in Iran. I sign this and take the signet ring given me and seal this decree now in the Mighty and powerful name above all names, Jesus. Amen - so be it! Judy Bauman Purim - Jewish festival celebrating this triumphant time:Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. It commemorates a time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved from extermination. Jewish Year 5766 : sunset March 13, 2006- nightfall March 14, 2006 |