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Jewels From Judy

Sunday, January 29 2023
Nations Will Come to Your Light!


Judy A Bauman 

Published in the book “Jewels from the Harvest” all rights reserved ©2018



While journaling, I suddenly see myself standing near a bend of the River. Everything is so electrically dazzling that the brilliance of this scene would blind my natural eyes! Each ripple in the water acts to magnify and reflect beams of light like the facets of a diamond, and though I see this with spiritual eyes, I have to allow them to adjust to the brightness. As I do, I sing aloud:

You are Beautiful, Marvelous, Excellent, Radiant

I am astounded by Your brilliance

The One who is Faithful and True are You

The One who is Faithful and True – are You

It sounds like many voices join me in singing, although I don’t see anyone. The Holy Spirit reveals these are His saints from all over the world worshipping God in spirit and truth. Looking at the River, I ponder how each light reflecting off the water represents individuals in Christ who carry His light. They are in the flow of the River – the flow of what God is saying and doing. These saints will go where He sends them because they love Jesus more than their own lives. I see the Lord tenderly caring for each light and testify that they represent those who carry God’s glory. They bring the Light of the World to the nations. They flow in the will of God, and they flow with the Word of God. They are able to rest in the current of the River, knowing He is the One who carries them.


I ask the Lord if He might speak a word of encouragement to His Light-Carriers. The Father immediately declares, “Tell those who carry My light, My love, My hope, My peace, My righteousness, and My Word that they must stay in the middle of where I am flowing. If they don’t, a spiritual eddy will entrap them. Eddies run contrary to the flow of the River and represent living contrary to My will. It takes a huge amount of effort to free oneself from an eddy once entrapped. This is where debris is seen swirling about in the backward current. This symbolizes the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches. Such things capture and defile many.

“My Light-Carriers must stay in the midst of the flow of My River. If they do, they will shine with the light of My glory and continually be My Light-Bearers. They must also rest in Me and allow Me to carry them to the fulfillment of their destinies. There are individual and corporate destinies, and they work hand-in-hand. I say again, ‘Arise, shine for your light has come. The glory of the Lord rises upon you and appears around you. Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising.’” ~End Encounter


It always amazes me when the Lord gives me a word when I specifically ask for one! However, it’s much more likely that the Holy Spirit has been waiting for me to be ready and willing to receive the word to share with the Church, not the other way around. Since God has called us to be lights to the world, it’s His desire we reflect His will and ways to those around us. It’s been said, “Preach the Gospel, and if need be, use words.” Being a Light-Carrier, a Light-Bearer, is about how we live our daily lives, not merely what we espouse.  


Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 02:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, January 09 2023

Jewels from Judy: I Am Not Limited!

Judy A Bauman

An exhortation from the Lord, I Am Not Limited!

Sitting with the Lord in the secret place, I was thinking about the first time Jesus revealed Himself to me in what I refer to as the River Visions. I was thinking about how I saw Him dancing very erratically and how I wrestled with that before gaining an understanding of what He was communicating through it. Suddenly, I hear clearly in my spirit that message anew!

The Lord stated, “I want out-of-the-box! People put Me in there in their minds, but the truth is, that is a delusion. I am not boxed! In fact, when people do this, they are actually putting themselves in a box. When people limit My power, authority, majesty, strength, wisdom, counsel, knowledge, and understanding they are limiting themselves. I am not limited!”

“Watch as I wake up the masses and see how they respond. Some will be like the son who returned from eating with the pigs. Some in the church will be bitter like the older brother. Some will turn away disgusted as they did when I told them My body was bread, manna from heaven, and my blood was drink.

“However, many will turn to Me with great joy, song, and celebration. There is a sound coming that is going to shake the earth. My sheep will follow Me, knowing I have the words to eternal life. Remember it is the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy; I came to give life and that in abundance. Step out of the box and see the glory of the KING of kings and the LORD of Lords!”

Your King

I say, “Amen, selah!”

Personal note: Thank you all for your support and prayers for The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries, Inc. in 2022. I pray you each can say of 2022 that you grew in Christ and are pressing into Him for 2023. I pray you will thrive in the knowledge of Him who brought you out of darkness and into His marvelous light. Amen!
If you want to read more about the River Visions, I have them chronicled in two books, Jewels from the River, and Jewels from the Harvest. Both are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Walmart. They are also available for download in Kindle, Nook, & iBook. The vision I refer to is in Jewels from the River pages 41-49.

In the Father’s Love,

Rev. Judy A Bauman

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 10:46 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, December 27 2022

Jewels from Judy: I Am God and There Is No Other!

Judy A Bauman

A word of exhortation from the Father: I Am God and There Is No Other!
“My church (ekklesia) has gotten used to warm fuzzy words because I am a God who loves, forgives, gives grace, and shows mercy; however, it does not mean I am going to turn a blind eye to blatant disobedience.

“You must take out the fluff and remember My will. Temper your sword with My truth. Do not allow the metal of your blade to have mixture that will make you weak and brittle. My Word is powerful and sharp and shall cut between bone and marrow, so do not think the mixture is going to settle well with Me.

“I Am God and there is no other! Who can compare to My power, My glory, My honor, My riches, My authority? There is none! Do not be deceived. The days you live in are not just evil, they are exceptionally evil. Do not look to the right or to the left, or hoard for your protection, for I am your Protector and Provision. Seek Me early and you will find Me and you will hear My directives.”


Deuteronomy 32:3-4
For I proclaim the name of the Lord:
Ascribe greatness to our God.
He is the Rock, His work is perfect;
For all His ways are justice,
A God of truth and without injustice;
Righteous and upright is He

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Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 02:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, December 23 2022
A Message from The Father's Love Int'l

A Message from the Father’s Love International Ministries

Dear friends,

It is my hope that you are well and thriving in the light of God’s love for you. This can be a beautiful time, but it can also be difficult for many. Know that you are not alone. The One who created you will never leave nor forsake you.

One thing I do to remind myself of the greatness of God is to write as many names of His as I can think of and read them out loud. I have a special journal that I’ve worked on for years for that purpose. Every time I find a name of God’s in Scripture, I write it in there. I encourage you to do the same because every name of His tells us something about His holy attributes. They tell us who He really is. He is so amazing! I also have a section to write the names He calls us. Yes, we need reminding of who we are in Him. If you do this too, I believe it will encourage you and help you to see yourself the way He sees you. It is too easy to have other people’s opinions, and even our own thoughts negate how special we are to Him.

God is our Father, Shepherd, Friend, Savior, Deliverer, Healer, Ever-present help in times of trouble, the Lion of Judah, our Counselor, the KING of kings and LORD of lords… and the list goes on and on! Wow!

I do hope that you take the time to celebrate Jesus and the miracles surrounding His birth and share what you know about Him and His love and forgiveness with others. It is a season where that message can be heard by those who seek the truth. When we seek the truth, God will help us find it. When we find Truth, we find JESUS!!! Hallelujah!!!

If you want to know more about the One who came to rescue you, please let me know and I will help you to navigate the Scriptures.

I pray a very Merry Christmas, a blessed and Happy Hanukkah,

In the Father’s love,

Judy A Bauman

Luke 1-2


Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 02:57 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, October 30 2022

Jewels from Judy: “Women’s Health Is At Risk!”

Judy A Bauman

While I am not a politician or political activist, I do have strong viewpoints about certain topics, and those lessons have often come at a high price. This one is no exception. Sharing this testimony is difficult, but I know there are others who have had similar and even more difficult testimonies than I have. There are some that are in the valley of decision right now, and I hope that my story will help.

When I was 15, a Planned Parenthood (PP) opened in the small town where I was raised. My best friend, who was already sexually active, convinced me that I too should go and get birth control ‘just in case.’ To me, one of the great things about PP was that under-age girls could get free medical treatment and prescriptions and go there without their parent’s consent or knowledge.

During my first visit to PP, they had me watch a video about Planning a Pregnancy and Starting a Family. To my recollection, it was mainly about ways to avoid an unwanted pregnancy that would ruin my life, career, body, etc… This was of particular interest to me and why I was there. A close family member had gotten pregnant at 17 and married before her baby was born. As much as I loved that baby, I did NOT want to find myself in that situation. After a quick medical exam, I was prescribed a 28-day contraceptive which was taken for three weeks and then off for a week. The director at PP reassured me that if any of the birth-control methods failed, there was a foolproof method to end the pregnancy with an abortion. This also seemed logical to me at the time because we were taught by PP that it was not really a baby until the second trimester. After the exam, they gave me the lowest dose birth-control pill saying they did not want to chance the pill raising my blood pressure. I took that for nine years and when I stopped taking it to start a family, I thought it would take six months to a year to get the effects of the chemicals out of my system. Surprisingly, I found myself pregnant after six weeks!

I called PP and let them know I was pregnant and wanted to get my records sent to my Obstetrician (OB doctor). The voice on the other end asked if I wanted to schedule an abortion. I politely declined stating that this was a “planned pregnancy” and I just needed all my medical records (for the past 9 years) sent to my OB doctor. The person sounded confused and asked me again if I wanted to schedule an abortion. Understanding their position, I said, “No, I took Planned Parenthood’s advice, and this is a PLANNED pregnancy! I am calling to get my medical records sent to my OB doctor.” I was flabbergasted when asked a third time if I wanted to schedule an abortion! The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be going in circles, so I just hung up and shook my head. At that point, I became very upset. I thought that was the very LAST option, but it was presented as the first choice before keeping the baby! This was when I began to see what kind of misleading advice I had actually gotten from them. I had always told people they didn’t know the good PP did, but my eyes were opened, and the tangled web of deceit begin to unravel.

I honestly thought they were looking out for my health; however, I recently learned from the testimony of a former PP director, Abby Johnson, that they purposely gave that low dosage because it was often ineffectual. The woman taking it would have a greater chance of getting pregnant, and when she did, they would encourage her to get an abortion. Abby Johnson reported that abortions were, and still are, Planned Parenthood’s big money maker. Abortion on demand has been packaged as “a women’s health” issue, and Democrats claim that women’s health is now at risk because Roe vs Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court. But is it?

Because many are at complete odds with each other, people are not hearing what the other side is saying. Many who are pro-choice don’t realize that decision by the Supreme Court did not make it illegal but turned the matter over to each state to decide. Some are calling it a “constitutional right” but abortion was not legal in the US until 1973. The Constitution was written in 1787 and the Bill of Rights in 1791, so what is really going on with all this?

It seems to me that women’s health is being used like pawns on a chessboard.

One thing I have noticed is that pro-life people are now being called anti-abortionists. So instead of being known for what they support, they are known for what they are against. This is a very subtle thing, but it makes those who value the life of the baby at odds or even enemies of those who are pro-abortion. They are being painted as “extreme.” This is not how it really is for those who want to save the lives of unwanted babies. The list of women whose hearts are shattered by the experience is long. The list of couples hoping to adopt is long too!

Anthony Levatino, a former abortion doctor, who has estimated aborting over 1200 babies in his career, has testified that what they remove from the uterus of the pregnant woman is indeed a human child and every doctor performing them knows this because they have to account for all the body parts removed. If they don’t, the woman’s life really is at risk. So why do they try to convince us that it isn’t a human child? If women really thought about what was happening to their child, they would most likely not go through with an abortion.

We need to take a long look at how abortion really supports women’s health. Is the number of women raped or pregnant by incest that great a number, or is this a smoke-and-mirrors tactic? I have listened carefully, and I don’t hear anyone that is pro-life who will put into law that abortion will be illegal in those rare cases and in the case of the mother’s life being at risk.

While the practice has been done for centuries, it was a very rare thing to have occur, yet since 1973, over 63 MILLION abortions have been performed in the USA. Who was behind this movement here? In 1921, Margret Sanger established the American Birth Control League, which would eventually become Planned Parenthood. In her publications and letters, she made it clear she hated people of color and advocated eugenics using birth control with the ultimate goal of eliminating ‘unwanted’ people. This money-making machine purposely places its facilities in low-income, minority neighborhoods. If you look at who has won Planned Parenthood’s yearly Margret Sanger Award, you will see a pattern of politicians you do not want to trust or vote for if you love the diversity of life we enjoy in the USA.

In closing, I will tell you that I have known a number of women who have had an abortion, and they all have had a difficult time coming to terms with killing their own child. It is a painful and emotional thing. Abby Johnson reports that no emotional support, counsel, or even discussion on what to expect is ever given a woman prior to the abortion. Many really didn’t know what to expect and it has been a lonely road. I respect those who were once in the abortion industry, like Johnson and Levatino, that now advocate for life and are helping others traumatized by abortion. After learning just how deeply nefarious PP is, I am so thankful for the bravery of these activists. If you or anyone you know needs counsel on how to recover from having or giving an abortion, please go to

Respectfully yours,

Judy A Bauman

October 30, 2022

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 07:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, September 08 2022

Jewels From Judy: Living Stones

Judy A Bauman

“Fellowship is important, or I would not have set up My church (ekklesia) the way I have. It is the Living Stones, which I have hewn, that must come together to form the building. I dwell in each of you to a determined measure, but in and of yourselves I can only fill you up so much. However, when you all come together the filling in each one of you is combined. This is the fullness that you sense in the corporate setting – the fullness of joy, the fullness of My Spirit. The fruits of My Spirit are all there and the joy that comes from that will strengthen and empower you.

“Where the leaven of the Pharisees has overtaken My church, you will not have this joy. The joy of those who walk in My Spirit will be full of glory – it is the joy unspeakable. There are also places in My body full of the leaven of Herod. It is a worldly yeast that has worked its way in and puffed up the whole congregation. Both the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod puff up and make those who partake of it haughty. Pride is always the root! So beware of this when searching out a body of Christ where you can be connected and attached.

“My ekklesia will be built and it will be built to My specifications. If My specifications are not followed exactly, then I will tear down that building and begin again. My foundation is always the same – Jesus is the foundation. He is the Christ and the Only One worthy to open the scrolls. To Him be given the glory or the building will crumble. The words of man must all pass through His eyes of fire. What is left standing will remain.

“The church will take on a new look in the coming days. It will not be people coming week in and week out to do their ‘time’ for God, but it will be Living Stones being fitted together by the Hand of the Master Builder Himself.

“Did Jesus tell His disciples that He was going to make a place for them? Do you not know yet, do you not see that you are the temple of the Living God? Have I not placed My Spirit in you? Are not all My promises, ‘Yes’ in Christ Jesus? Is it now possible for you to say together in one voice, ‘Amen’ to the glory of your Father? Seek My promises for the Body of Christ and know that I have spoken, ‘Yes’ to them all. You who are called by My name say, ‘Amen!’ Then you will see My glory coming into the Living Stones, and you will see a new and glorious ekklesia (body of Christ) arise.

“This is not for another time. This is for now.”

Abba Father


Hebrews 10:22-25; Psalms 127:1; John 14:2, 21-23; John 15:4; Mark 8:15; Luke 6:46-49; Luke 11:37-54; Luke 12:1-3; Luke 13:20-21; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20;2 Corinthians 1:20-22; 1 John 1:3-9

Originally given Dec 28, 2007, revised for clarity Sept 8, 2022 (For such a time as this.)

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 02:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, September 02 2022


Judy A Bauman

While studying the word "dwelling," the Lord gave me a download about how John 14:2 connects with Eph 2:19-22! Our “dwelling” is here together with Holy Spirit and other believers, as well as our heavenly home. He then invited me to take His Supper. I was holding the bread when He spoke this very clear message for us.


“I Am in the boat with you. So do not fear or be dismayed. When we set sail and began our journey together, I told you I knew your end from your beginning. I knew you before the foundations of the world. I knew your failings before you did, but I also saw your contrite heart and willingness to be taught by My spirit. I called you and you chose to follow Me. By making that choice you became one called chosen.

“You have become a dwelling place for My Spirit, and you are growing together with My ekklesia. Many are scattered, as was the case with My early church, but know that is also what spread the Good News around the world. As you weather and ride out the global storm, remember I Am in the boat with you. I may seem like I’m sleeping, but child, I Am with you! I will never leave or forsake you. I will hold you and I will shelter you under My mighty hand of righteousness.

“Remember My word reveals that there is a time when the enemy will be able to look like he is winning, (Rev 13:7) but I have made a way. My blood will cause you to overcome. Your testimony of My life, death, and resurrection, as well as your testimony in Me, will prevail. Because of this, you will not love your life even when faced with death. Here is the perseverance and the faith of the saints.

“I said ‘I go and make a place for you, a dwelling;’ however, this is not only your heavenly dwelling but the dwelling spoken of by Paul in Eph 2:22 and 1 Cor 3:9.

“When the disciples feared for the storm I awoke and rebuked it saying, ‘Peace, be still.’ I had already told them, ‘Let us go to the other side.’” (Mark 4:35-41)

“So do not fear, My love, I Am with you. Do not be dismayed for I Am your God. I will hold you and lift you in My righteous right hand of Justice. Though I tarry wait with expectancy, and you will overcome. Those who endure to the end shall be saved.

"Now take the bread, beloved, eat and receive My blessing.

"The cup is blessed and sanctified, take and drink. It is the cup of the New Covenant which I signed with My own blood. Remember, I Am in the boat with you."

Your loving Savior,


Journal Date Aug 24, 2022

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 12:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, July 28 2022

Jewels from Judy: Abide and Fulfill Your Destiny In Christ

Judy A Bauman

July 28, 2022

Abide and Fulfill Your Destiny In Christ

This morning I asked the Lord what the banner is over The Father’s Love Int’l Fellowship. He showed me a flag and it read “ABIDE.”

The Holy Spirit then gave me this word to share:
“As you abide in My love, you will see Me in people and situations. You will see My hand of protection. You will see My love flow through you to others.

“You think where you are at now is all I have for you, this is your lot in life, but I say to you to enlarge your tent pegs. My lovingkindness will not be removed from you and My covenant of peace will not be shaken. I shall embrace you with My compassion and in righteousness, I will establish you. Do not look to the right or to the left but abide under My wing as I am your dwelling place.

“I am the Searcher of your heart. I know you have loved Me. You have known My name. You will call on Me and I will answer you. I will be with you in times of trouble, so never doubt or believe the lies of your enemy, the serpent of old, that I have abandoned you. I will be with you, and I will uphold you by My mighty and righteous right hand.

“Let My peace rule in your heart, mind, soul, and spirit. Fulfill your ministry of reconciliation. As My ambassador, know wherever you go you are to reconcile others to Christ. Finish your race strong and receive the crown of life.”
Forever Your,

King Jesus

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 01:53 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 05 2022

Jewels from Judy: Harmonize with My Lovingkindness

Judy A Bauman

An exhortation from the Father: Harmonize with My Lovingkindness

“How many people in the world right now are focused on politics and what politicians can do for them? How many are focused on Me and what I can do for them? I will tell you, very few.

“Even those who say they trust in Me have actually placed their hopes and plans in what ‘their’ politicians can do for them. While I want you to vote because it is a privilege I endorse, I do not want your heart and soul caught in a web of misdirection. Upon what path have I set your feet? What eternal consequence does any election have? Your integrity is attached to My name – the name of Jesus. When people you have tried to share My love with seeing you ranting on and on about an election, you are tarnishing My name. You are dragging My name into an arena of your choosing, not Mine.

“Everything is permissible, dear one, but not everything is profitable. You have the freedom to speak your mind, but if your words do not edify the one hearing, then you are not in harmony with My will on earth. This disharmony does not reveal My intentions nor does it convey the truth of My word. Being contentious is rooted in pride that you are right and others are wrong. You are saying that you know what is best, but you are mistaken. Only I know what is best for you, your nation, and the world. Seek My counsel in this matter instead of looking for those who agree with your position and contending with those who don’t. Are their eternal souls worth so little to you?

“Lay down your battle-ax, beloved, and pick up My word. Don’t be like a loud gong, or a note played out of key. Harmonize your words and deeds with My lovingkindness and see what I do.”

Lovingly your,

This word was given to me in April 2016 and was released at that time. I edited it because of a couple of typos, but I happened on it today and I believe it really speaks into this time in history just as much as it did in 2016. jb

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 04:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 27 2022

Jewels from Judy: Come, Sit At My Table
Judy A Bauman

A word of exhortation from the Lord: Come, Sit At My Table

“Many of My beloved ones are asking Me questions about their own spiritual hearts’ condition. Unfortunately, many who have called themselves by My name have never known Me. They eat from the table of the Pharisees and Sadducees and wonder why their prayers hit the ceiling and bounce back. They are puffed up by the teachings of the industrial church, the denominations that mix a little bit of scripture with a lot of opinion and false teaching. Some go as far as to indoctrinate their sheep into the doctrines of devils and mislead millions with itchy ears – hearing what they want to hear and dying in their sin thinking it’s okay with Me.

“Because many leaders are building their own kingdoms, judgment sits at their door. The blood of Jesus is not on the doors of their hearts, and because I am far from their thoughts, they are vulnerable prey for the kingdom of darkness.

“Like the seven churches in Revelation, the warnings in My messages must be taken seriously:

  • “Remember your First Love and do the deeds you did in the beginning. Repent and you will eat of the fruit of life!
  • “Do not fear what you are about to suffer. You will be tested. You will go through tribulation. Be faithful and receive your crown.
  • “Repent for embracing the teachings of the world's lascivious immorality and stop receiving it in your home and church. Do not bless what I curse and do not curse what I bless, or the sword of My word will come against you. Repent and I will give you a new name and feed you from My table.
  • “Stop being tolerant of prophets who lead you away from Me. Do you not see the spirit of control, intimidation, and manipulation at work? Why would you listen and even take on that wicked spirit with all My warnings about immoral behavior? Will you commit idolatry, which is adultery to Me? Repent and I will reward your deeds. Holdfast, stand firm, overcome and I will give you authority over the nations!
  • “Wake up! Have I not instructed to strengthen that which is weak? Remember who you are in Me. Repent and keep true to what you have heard, and I will give you white clothing to cover your nakedness. Do not cause your name to be erased from the Lamb’s Book of Life!
  • “I have given you the keys of David. There is a door, an open door before you. It is a door of opportunity. Will you walk through it? If you refuse, I will shut the door and it will remain locked. If you go through, I will preserve you from the hour of testing which is being poured out upon the earth. I am testing you, My people, so that no one can steal your crown. When you overcome, you will become a pillar in My house, My holy city, which will come down from heaven. Have I not revealed this fact?
  • “Shake off the cold-heartedness and spit out the lukewarm teachings that come from teachers who tickle your ears. Burn with hot love for Me! Stop looking at your wealth or lack of it. Stop looking merely to government programs to feed and clothe you when the promises I have given you are so much richer! I have gold that has been purified. I have the finest clothing. I have oil to heal your blindness. Seek Me for your needs, for I am a jealous God. I bring correction to those I love, and the fruit that you will bear will be peace, joy, and love for being trained by My hand.

“Open the door of your heart to Me and let Me come inside and dine with you. Take My Supper, the Lord’s Supper, in memory of My passionate love for you. Take the Bread that came down from heaven which was given for you. I am in you, and you are in Me. Take and eat! Take My cup! It is not My wrath or judgment that I desire for any. This is why I am slow in My coming. I want all – ALL – to repent! I desire none to be lost. Drink deeply of My love for you and know that I will never fail you. Stay close and hear what the Spirit of the Living God is saying to you each day.”

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 04:39 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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