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Jewels From Judy

Thursday, December 27 2018

December 2018 Update!

It is my hope that this update finds you well and at peace after the Christmas rush. As a child, I used to feel sad when it was over, but now I feel relieved! Funny how our perspective changes with time.

Though it has been a quiet year for the ministry in many respects, it has not been a year without significance.

1. Early in February, my second book was published, remarkably, on the anniversary of my dad’s passing. It was a wonderful and victorious gift of God because I submitted it in November 2017!

Jewels from the Harvest - Sound the Trumpet the Fields are Ripe is now available through my website, Xulon, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iBook.

2. Though I had continued taking mission trips at the Lord’s leading, in 2008 I began experiencing increasingly painful arthritic issues in multiple joints. This made travel in ministry difficult, but not impossible. By 2012, the pain levels had become much worse. In 2014, a doctor tried to convince me that I needed a three-level back fusion, but I did not have peace about this option. (A second opinion confirmed it would not have helped because it was not actually the primary area of pain.)

This past June, after years of prayer, chiropractic care, physical therapy, and other treatments, I had a dream that led me to an orthopedic doctor with Regenexx. I did a lot of research before my husband and I agreed this was the specific route I was to take. In October, I had multiple areas treated with my own PRP (plasma rich platelets) as well as stem cells taken from my hipbone marrow. Areas treated included my neck (C-5 to C-7), right shoulder, my low back (L-4 to L-5 to Sacrum) and SI Joint (the sacroiliac joint connects the back of the hip to the spine); both knees (my left actually had bruising in the bone), and both ankles. After two and a half months of recovery, I am pleased to report that this has been an effective treatment. It is not that I am totally out of pain, but I am in much less pain and can do things I haven’t been able to do in years. The doctor reports that most patients see the greatest improvement after 3 months, so I am looking forward to that!

3. Two weeks after my treatments, my husband and I laid eyes on our first grandchild, Anthony Dean! Our daughter, her husband, and the baby stayed with us two weeks while mommy recovered. It was a very special time to bond with this baby boy, and it is such a blessing that he knows his grandparents! Now that I am a bit more mobile, I hope to be able to do many things in the days to come, both with him and in the ministry.


I believe 2019 is a year that the Father is focusing on developing the FRUIT of the Spirit in His Body. There is more to share on this, but I know it is a year to ASK the Father and not give up asking, seek and keep seeking, knock and be relentless! I pray we allow God to train us so that we may reap the peaceable fruit of righteousness as well as reaping a harvest. Amen!

Lastly, I need your help. Not only in prayer for direction and clarity, but it is my hope that five of you will stand with me in 2019 with a monthly donation of $10. That is the small amount needed to keep the website and 501c3 (tax-deductible credentials) current.  If you feel you are to help me, please click the donate button at the top of the home page at Thank you for your kind consideration in this matter.

I pray this 2019 New Year will prove to be one that the Lord develops lasting fruit in you and that we will be able to share the Good News of God’s love to the nations!

In the Father’s love,

Judy A Bauman

(To find me on Facebook, where I share many short exhortations, look for me through the email Thank you! )

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 05:27 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, December 21 2018

Jewels from Judy: Praying For Our Peace at Christmas!

In Jesus’ name, I greet you and am excited to share an important revelation with you. If you wrestle with sorrow at Christmas because of the loss or longing for a loved one, you know it’s a horrible experience. It doesn’t help that the world is singing, "It’s the most wonderful time of the year!" Losing my parents when I was young caused me to long for them each year, and I had a tendency to compare whatever was happening to my joyful childhood memories. Nothing can live up to that! Thanksgiving Day and other holidays were often difficult, but the loneliest time was always Christmas. Since walking with the Lord, He has provided a great deal of deliverance, healing, and freedom in this area, but recently I had another epiphany.

My friend Barbara Sependa wrote a blog (linked below), and as I read it, the Lord dropped more revelation and understanding into my soul. The heart of her message illuminated to me that instead of surviving waves of sorrow, we are to rejoice within our fond memories. Dare I say, they can even comfort us! (Could the Lord be revealing how those who mourn will be comforted?)  Her blog really opened my eyes that in our heart, we can indeed “go home” and instead of feeling sorrow, rejoice as we recall those good memories! As I read what she shared, I saw how the devil had used my grief for years to keep me chained to the past (and that he abuses many of us in this manner). If we perpetually replay events (good and bad) to our detriment, then we will have little to no victory. Praise God that we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us!

I want to encourage you to take every thought captive and think on whatever is pure, lovely, righteous, and of good report, as the Apostle Paul taught us. If we will capture our thoughts and make them obedient to Christ, we can remember those times with joy anew not longing, torment, and sorrow. What a fabulous way to honor those we love and miss by celebrating, truly celebrating, the greatest gift the world will ever know. God sent His Son, Jesus the Messiah, to set us free from sin and death! Hallelujah!

It is my sincere prayer that you experience the peace of God that surpasses understanding, and that you have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

In the Father’s love,

Judy A Bauman

(See 2 Corinthians 10:3-6; Romans 8:37; Philippians 4:4-8; Matthew 5:4)

To read Barbara’s blog, go to:

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 05:39 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, October 30 2018

Dear Friends of The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries,

A couple of years ago, the Lord spoke something to my heart that was very simple but profound. I was asking for His wisdom and guidance for this ministry and He said, “This isn’t a destination you are on with Me, it is a journey, so enjoy the journey. ENJOY THE JOURNEY!” As we abide in the Father, our destination is secure in Christ. Navigating the journey we call “life” is not an easy thing, and we know there are hardships and trials, yet again the Lord reminds us to “Enjoy the journey!”

This week, my husband Jeff and I are celebrating the birth of our first grandchild! Anthony Dean was born by cesarean section on October 21, 2018 and was 8lbs 10oz. Because of the unexpected complications of his birth, our daughter, her husband, and he are staying with us as momma heals. On top of this, the first week of October I had medical treatments performed on many of my joints. I am improving, but still recovering. Jeff travels for work, but he’s been home most of this month, so that is good because he’s really enjoying the new grandbaby. Our son stays with us when he is not driving long-haul from Detroit to Laredo and will be home today for the week. Obviously, there is a lot going on at the Bauman house right now, and yes, we are enjoying the journey!

While my family traverses these life changes, I continually look to the Father for direction for the ministry. It is His and I will only go when, and where He directs me. My prayer is that the two books He commissioned me to write over the past few years will bless those who read them. The encounters I share in Jewels from the River and Jewels from the Harvest are very much like parables. They reveal a lot of what the world and the Church (Ekklesia) is going through NOW! God explained to Habakkuk that he was to write the vision and make it clear, so that the one who reads it could run with the message. This was the directive the Lord gave me. If you have read either or both of the books, I would love to hear from you. If you are interested in receiving signed copies, they can be ordered at the website linked below. The books can also be found at Amazon and Barnes and Noble online, and electronic versions are available.

Until next time, I pray you remain in the Father’s love!
Rev. Judy A Bauman

Posted by: AT 12:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, September 11 2018

Where was God on 9/11?

Judy A Bauman

Eleven days after terrorists flew two commercial airliners full of passengers into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center (WTC), I found myself walking through the ash and debris at “Ground Zero” in New York City. I remember, and will never forget the surreal magnitude of the scene.

I traveled to NYC to serve as a volunteer at the emotionally charged Family Assistance Center. The night of my arrival, I went to a service at Faith Tabernacle where I met a local Christian woman who offered accompany me to Ground Zero the following day. Our goal was to pray over the City. As I waited for her the next morning at a local cafe, I noticed many weary police officers were also there grabbing a quick bite and cup of coffee. One officer I spoke with told me that he had not had a day off since the attacks, they were all pulling double shifts, and he had not even been home to see his wife and three children! While he held onto his strong NYPD persona, I could see the toll the past 11 days had taken on him. I told him I would be praying for him as he headed out the door and he thanked me.

Just then, my new friend came in and we took the subway into Lower Manhattan. As we emerged from the depths of the subway, a horrible stench met us. Pungent smoke permeated the atmosphere from the fire, which had been burning since the attacks. A thick layer of white ash covered everything in sight. Stores stood motionless; and the merchandise inside looked more like monuments than everyday goods. A cacophony of wailing sirens and deep growls from the machinery echoed off the city walls. The nation watched with anticipation as frantic and exhausted workers cleared the wreckage searching for survivors.

Under the safety of a temporary corridor, a throng of onlookers moved like one giant body. We collectively came to a halt as each of us gasped at the horrendous panorama of the WTC’s skeletal remains. Even though we had seen it unfold for days on TV, we could only look in bewilderment at the massive ruins and destruction set before us. Some observers had to stop and steady themselves. Most looked at each other with tears of disbelief; some screamed in dismay and wept uncontrollably. The sheer magnitude of it, even though we had seen it on the news, was shocking. The ability to hear, think, or feel had left us.

Several city blocks away from the daunting work at Ground Zero, some of Lower Manhattan was open to the public. My guide pointed out the building of her displaced church. It, along with many of the buildings at Ground Zero, had destabilized foundations because of the massive building collapses. Authorities were determining whether repairs were possible, or if the structures around the WTC would need demolishing. We stopped and especially prayed for her church, but also over the other huge buildings thought to be at risk. When we finished, we looked up and were shocked to find no one else was in the vicinity! It was eerie. The surrounding buildings sheltered us from the noise, causing “the City that never sleeps” to be unnervingly quiet! In a hushed whisper, my companion revealed as a native of NYC, she had never experienced such deafening silence in her lifetime. The City was indeed in mourning. Block after block we took in all we saw as we slowly walked through it. Sometimes we prayed together, but mostly we prayed under our breath. When we ran out of words, we prayed in the spirit.

This deserted area of Lower Manhattan left its mark on my soul. Many vehicles sat abandoned in the streets – shrouded in thick ash. Parking garages full of cars were not exempt. The white powdery substance covered everything. Oddly, inside one parking garage we saw anomalous objects, like pieces of office equipment and furniture. We tried to imagine how office furniture could land deep inside the covered parking garage. It didn’t seem physically possible. One car was so violently jolted out of its parking spot that its front-end hung outside the third level of the five-story garage! Sorrow hit our hearts like a dagger when we realized some of the vehicles belonged to victims. Even though we felt deep sorrow, the peace of God was as tangible as the blanket of silence and solitude that encircled us.

What I witnessed that day in the rubble of NYC reminded me of the overwhelming ruins of my own life before I asked Jesus to rescue me. For years, I rejected His help. He had been there holding out His hand, but I refused to take it. Like that car, my life was precariously perched, and the slightest shift could have caused me to plummet into total destruction. I knew I didn’t deserve God’s love, but He loved me anyway! Just as the workers at Ground Zero carefully removed a mountain of debris bucket by bucket, I know the Redeemer of my soul removed, and continues to remove, the ash from my life. If we will receive it, He truly will give beauty for ashes as Scripture promises.

Many people have asked me where my loving, faithful God was on 9/11, and I can safely say He was in the same place He was when Jesus went to the cross. Nothing surprises God. He knows the cost of giving mankind the gift of freewill. Some use their freedom to hurt innocent people, as the terrorists did on 9/11; others, like the public servants of NYC, use it to help souls in need, even at the cost of their own lives. I pray as you read this that you realize Jesus bought and paid for your sins with His own life. He chose to lay down His life because He wanted you to be reunited and reconciled to God the Father. It is for the sake of freedom Christ set us free! Everything changes when we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior. While life may not be easy, with God, all things are possible! The question is not so much, where is God in the day of tragedy, because He will never abdicate His throne; the questions we have should be addressed to the one who looks back at us in the mirror. Will we trust and have faith in God no matter what life throws at us? Will we remember to seek our Father, who is our Ever-present Help in times of trouble? Even if we forget, the Good News is that the Lord never forgets His love for us.

Posted by: AT 04:58 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 10 2018

Jewels from Judy: Prepare for the Changes I Am Bringing!

Judy A Bauman

A Word from Abba Concerning the Harvest

“You have heard from different sources that the next move of God will be ‘like’ the Jesus Movement of the 60s and 70s, it will be ‘like’ the Brownsville Revival and Toronto Father’s Blessing of the 90s, or ‘like’ the turn of the century Welsh and Azusa Street Holy Spirit Revivals. However, I tell you that it will be a combination. Many will struggle for a name because it will not have one specific outpouring or be in one specific location. The ‘church’ will not be able to contain it. This move will be spontaneous and is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Outpouring. It is the Godhead – 3 in 1 Outpouring. It is the 1-3-7 Outpouring of My Spirit.*

“Yes, there is a harvest upon you now. It has begun, but compared to what it will be, it is still in the embryonic stage. See to it that disunity or greed does not abort it. These two things will quickly shut down a move of My Spirit. I will not share My glory with flesh. If I Am lifted up, I will draw all to Me.

“Though many call the rising generation ‘millennials,’ this is used as a derogatory term and it has no place in My Body. Take heed to what I say. They are My TURNAROUND GENERATION, as they will see the greatest turnaround in modern history. It’s not going to look like the Church you’ve been comfortable with, so decide now if you are going to be part of what I am doing or not. All generations alive at one point in time need each other, so do not forsake each other saying ‘you have nothing in common.’ That is a lie. You have ME in common! Come into My presence and let the oil of My Holy Spirit soften your heart toward each other, so I can pour into you all the cooperative wisdom needed for this day.

“Seek My face, and I will be found by you. Prepare, prepare, prepare – for the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few! Beseech the Lord of the harvest to bring forth laborers into His harvest.”

Lovingly yours,


*Referring to a prophetic dream, which can be read at:

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 10:46 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 10 2018


(Photo taken in India at Jesus Way Int'l)

The Crosses Return – A Prophetic Dream 1-3-7, 7-3-1


The night I had this dream, I had spoken to my brother who told me about a dream he had the night before. He was standing in a huge open field at night and saw many stars, but he knew there was something else in the night sky that he couldn't see. My brother said he asked the Lord what it was because he knew it was important, but awoke disappointed. He asked me to pray about it for him. Before I went to sleep that evening, I asked the Lord if He would show me what He was trying to show my brother. In His lovingkindness, and much to my surprise, He did!

My Dream

I was traveling with a group of people and we seemed to be a ministry team that knew each other very well; however, when I awoke I had no idea who they were. In the dream, I was exhausted and asked the person we were visiting if I could take a nap in the back room. The moment I put my head on the pillow, I immediately fell into a deep sleep.

A Dream within a Dream

I dreamt, as my brother had, that I was standing in a huge open field and the night sky was full of stars. I looked up and saw one star that looked very bright and was twinkling dynamically. I watched it carefully and noticed it seemed to get bigger. Trying to fathom and comprehend what the Lord was showing me, I realized the star appeared larger because it was actually moving toward me. It became so radiant that I could hardly look at it. As it came closer to me, I realized it was not a star at all, but an extremely bright and luminous gold cross!

1-3-7 then 7-3-1

As I observed it, I saw several reasons why it flickered as it spun. The cross was slowly spinning on its axis and light was reflecting off it. It not only flickered brightly, it also seemed to be pulsating. Though it was still a considerable distance from me, as it came closer, I could see an extraordinary phenomenon occur. The cross split into three crosses, then into seven and back again! They all rotated on their axis in unity, but one always remained in the center. The crosses on the right side went behind the center cross and the crosses on the left side went in front of it. They traveled in a straight line, and then moved in the opposite direction outwardly going from 1 to 3 to 7 crosses, and then from 7 to 3 and then back to 1. This is how the one became three crosses and the three became seven crosses, and then back into the one Cross. The crosses traveled in this seamlessly choreographed fashion the entire time they approached the earth.


Interestingly, as they came closer, I saw what looked to be leafy grapevines draped over the cross-sections of each identical cross. The leaves draped the crosses in a similar fashion as purple scarves adorn crosses for Holy Week. I understood if they didn’t have this covering, the intense brilliance of the crosses would have blinded me. It fascinated and stood out to me that I could still see the stars in the background. It was truly a magnificent and unforgettable sight!

Waking from the Dream While Still In the Dream

When I woke up from the 'nap' (I was still sleeping and dreaming), I went in and told my missionary friends about this dream. They each in turn shared with me what they thought the dream meant. I was a bit troubled because none of the interpretations bore witness to what I felt the Lord was revealing in the dream. Our conversation was not contentious in any way, but they all seemed to be guessing or relying on teachings they had heard and were not seeking the Lord for the interpretation. I then awoke from the dream.


  • Christ is returning. He is coming in the power of the Godhead three in One and in the perfection of the seven-fold ministry of the Holy Spirit.
  • He is steadily moving toward us, and even though the crosses were still far off, there is an urgency to share and teach the Gospel of the kingdom of heaven.
  •  His return is near, but not as near as some might think. (There’s still much to do! See Matthew 24:14)
  •  We know in part and prophesy in part. We know not when He will return, only the Father knows (See Mark 13:32).
  • We must be obedient to carry out the Great Commission (See Matthew 28:18-20). We are to be aware that He is coming back as He promised He would do; however, we must also understand that He is slow in His return, as He doesn't desire anyone to perish. (See 2 Peter 3:1-18).

The First Cross

  • Symbolizes the instrument of Jesus’ death, the slain Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world.
  • Represents the Godhead, His unity and primacy being the All-Sufficient One.
  • This symbol of Christianity should remind us to pick up our cross daily and follow Christ. This is not a platitude or cliché, but a serious command! (see Matthew 16:24-25; Mark 8:34-35; Luke 9:23-24)

Three Crosses

  • The Father and Jesus are one and come in fullness, strength, and the perfect power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Three is the number of divine completeness and perfection.
  • Jesus is The Way, The Truth, The Life. NO ONE can come to the Father except through Christ Jesus. Amen! (See John 14:6)
  • God is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent.
  • He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; Peter, James, and John.
  • Jonah was in the belly of the great fish three days, and he foreshadowed Christ’s resurrection on the third day. Jesus validated Jonah's testimony in Matthew 12:40 and again in 16:4.
  • “For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. There are three who bear witness on the earth: the Spirit, the water and the blood. These agree as one." (See 1 John 5:7-8)

The Seven Crosses

  • The seven crosses represent spiritual perfection found in the Seven Spirits before His throne.
  • The Seven Spirits are the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge, and the Fear of the Lord.
  • Jesus the Messiah, the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, is the only One who is worthy to open the scroll and loosen its seven seals.
  • He has seven horns and seven eyes, which the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth. He alone is worthy to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing! Amen! These are the sevenfold ascriptions of Christ.

(See Isaiah 11:2; Revelations 1:4; 4:5; 5:1-14; 11:16-17; 12:10)

The Grape Vines

  • The brilliance of the gold crosses would have been like looking into the sun had the grape vines not been draped over them. It would have been impossible for me to observe and record the crosses movements without them.
  • They remind us that in order to develop the fruit of the Spirit, we are to wear Jesus’ yoke and to cloak ourselves in His humility. (See Matt 11:28-30; Galatians 5:22-25)
  • Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches. Grape leaves bring nourishment to the fruit of the vine.
  • Wine comes from grapes and represents Jesus' first miracle at Cana.
  • We drink from the Lord’s Cup and in remembrance of what Christ did for the remission of our sins.

 Deep Sleep, A Dream within a Dream, God’s Grace

  • The dream within the dream is symbolic of going deeper for revelation. Deep calls unto deep!
  • My exhaustion was tangible in the dream, and reminds me of what the Lord spoke to Paul as recorded in 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness."
  • God showed His grace in a personal way because I asked Him to show He was trying to reveal to my brother, and for Him to do it, is truly an amazing example of His love and grace!
  • Five months prior, I had surrendered my life to the Lord and five is the number of grace.

The Date of the Dream

  • This dream occurred on July 14, 1997. (It’s come of age being re-released 21 years later!) July 14th, or 7/14, is relevant to what many believers have been praying from 2 Chronicles 7:14. "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land."
  • The year is significant Isaiah 9:7

Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

The Interpretations of the Dream from the Others

  • God is the ultimate Interpreter of dreams (see Genesis 40:8). 
  • Listen to the Holy Spirit for interpretation. It is the anointing in us that teaches us all things. (See 1 John 2:27)

While it’s easier and feels safe to go along with other people’s interpretation, God wants us to press in and wait on Him to reveal it. When God gives us a dream (either by His Spirit or through the mouth of another), we will have a deeper knowing in our spirit if what we are hearing is a correct interpretation.

  • If we will seek His interpretation, He may give us the gift of interpretation of dreams. This is a gift given by God to help others to understand what He is revealing.

Final Observation

At the time of this dream, I was unaware of teachings concerning Christ’s return. Only now, as I update and edit this dream, do I see how the Lord was teaching me to trust Him and His established Holy Scriptures to reveal what He was and is saying to His Church (Ekklesia) concerning His return. Jesus asked in Luke 18:8, “...when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” He is not looking for people who put their faith in theories, God’s looking for those who put their faith in Christ Jesus, and Him crucified. He knows who belongs to Him, so we should be about our Father’s business until He returns. (See Matthew 24:46)

Arise, shine! Amen!

In the Father’s love,

Judy A Bauman

It is my prayer this dream has edified you. Please feel free to email me with any comments or questions at

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 10:28 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, June 07 2018


Jewels from Judy: Lessons from a Woodpecker

Judy A Bauman

Earlier this week, I posted some photos on Facebook of a male Red-bellied Woodpecker dutifully feeding his juvenile offspring. I observed that one fledgling was already going to the suet feeder on its own, while the other would chirp and flutter its wings to signal its hunger. This one constantly followed its daddy from the tall poplar tree in my yard, to the feeder and back again. I enjoyed watching the loving care this doting father was giving to it.

On Tuesday night, I was sitting on my deck on a very important phone call. Suddenly, I saw a resident hawk dive down onto something in that large tree, and then flew with it to the ground. I couldn’t clearly see what it was, but heard the sound its prey made; sadly, I was sure it was that juvenile woodpecker. Immediately, the daddy woodpecker swooped at the hawk to its rescue, but the hawk took off with its prey held tightly in its deadly grip! Other species of birds immediately came to help. Blue Jays joined the woodpecker in pursuit, and together with some other birds, they made a loud cacophonous noise. I looked on as they chased the hawk in vain, and soon the sky soon grew grievously quiet.

After I finished my call, I diligently searched for the young woodpecker in the tree, but deep down I knew it was the victim. I tried to remain hopeful that I would spot it, thinking perhaps instead of the juvenile woodpecker, an unwanted rodent had become hawk’s meal. Of course, that was unlikely given all the birds that pursued the hawk after it attacked. As I continued to watch for the fledgling, I saw the daddy come to the feeder, get a mouthful of suet, wait, and look at all the familiar places his baby would land. Sadly, his little eager eater never came.

I have seen this happen in nature before, and normally I’m very practical about it; however, this incident upset me tremendously! I could not get a grip on my emotions and wept as if I had lost a loved one. I kept telling myself that it was ridiculous to carrying on as I was, but the grief overwhelmed me. I prayed and asked the Lord why I had such a strong, exaggerated reaction to this event. I believe He has showed me several important things, which is why I am sharing this with you.

While seemingly a small thing, it was like the straw that broke the camel’s back. The night before, I had watched two hours of the evening news, which I normally strictly limit. I was shocked at the number of people in my city (ATL) that have lost young family members this week to senseless acts of crime, auto accidents, and drownings. I have felt badly for the parents, family and friends, and in every case that I heard about, there was a common theme. Like the daddy woodpecker, there didn’t seem to be anything the parents could have done to prevent it.

As our children grow, it is impossible and inappropriate to be with them at all times. We can keep guard for their safety, but there is a point where they have to start watching for themselves. Unfortunately, something can happen that tragically takes them from their loving family. This is when we must join in, as the blue jays did for the woodpecker, and pray for the grieving parents, family members, and community. The Father hears our prayers and He will comfort those who mourn. That is His promise!

The Lord revealed something else through my grief, and that is His deep grief when the enemy snatches a little one from Him. We know it’s not because He is too weak to keep it from happening. He’s God!!! These things happen because He’s given mankind freewill and He will not take it from us – even if He sees we are making poor choices. That is huge!

Peter warned that we are to be sober and vigilant, because the devil is like a roaring lion seeking to devour. It is not God’s will for us to suffer theft, to be killed or destroyed. Jesus came to give us life in abundance. From this, we can easily discern what workings are God’s, and what things our adversary causes. Anyone saying that God brings premature deaths, diseases, and calamity (to teach us a lesson, humble us, etc...), is mistaken. They are not receiving that message from the Lord or from Scripture. Reject what they are saying, as they do not know the true heart of the Father’s love or His faithfulness to those whom Christ gave His life. God cares for the birds of the air. How much more does He care for us? He is our Father, our Provider, our Healer, our Ever-present help in times of trouble (and so much more).  

As I sat this morning to have my coffee, journal, and study, I looked out the window and it blessed me to see the other fledgling. This one approached feeding time differently than the one that was snatched. It had observed its daddy go to the feeder, and it did likewise. This one learned to feed itself. The other one made a lot of noise, constantly fluttered its wings, and made a scene. While it got its daddy’s attention, it also caught the hawk’s watchful eye. We see which one survived.

The Lord was showing me through this how we often rely on our pastor or others feed us spiritual truths. While it’s natural to want someone else to feed you when you are young, there is a time to learn how utensils work. We have to grow up and learn to feed ourselves spiritually, and rightly divide the Scriptures. How else can we know if what we’ve been taught is the truth instead of a gray, dim, or twisted version of it? We must learn to “be still and know that He is God” and that “He is the Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” The anointing resides in us by the Holy Spirit for the expressed purpose to teach us all things; but we must guard and develop it. This is the Lord’s will and I pray we walk in it. Amen


In the Father’s abiding love,
Judy A Bauman

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

John 10:10 “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”


Matthew 6:26 “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?


2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


1 John 1:26-27 These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you. But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.

~ Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.~

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 04:55 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, May 31 2018

Jewels from Judy: Has God’s Grace Lifted?

Judy A Bauman

In my last post, I shared with you “The Age of Distraction.” The Lord has continued to reveal some things about this raging battle many of us find ourselves fighting.

While there are many worldly distractions that can rob us of our wellbeing and time with the Lord, good works can also become the enemy of God’s best for our lives. They can cause us to miss His perfect will. The Father wants the best for us for the glory of His kingdom. We may believe we’re doing something for the Lord, when the Holy Spirit has not actually led us to do it. Even worse, when He opens a door for us to walk through – one that is HIS true desire for our lives – we could find ourselves already committed to something else!

Beloved, this is a terrible place to be, and I say this from experience. If we are doing something ‘good’ but aren’t operating in the fullness of God’s grace, will we continue in it anyway? I pray not! When the Holy Spirit lifts His grace, even the most enjoyable tasks become difficult and unrewarding. We need to be sensitive to His desire to make changes in us and in our circumstances.

Remember, Jesus taught that He is the Door and going in any other way but through Him is egregious to God. May we find ourselves waiting for His instructions, so when He gives them we can say, “Yes, Lord!” Amen

Blessings in the Father’s love,
Judy A Bauman

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 06:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, May 07 2018

Jewels from Judy: The Age of Distraction

Judy A Bauman

A good friend of mine wisely describes the day in which we live: “The Age of Distraction.” I asked God for further insight on this topic because distractions have become a raging battle, not only for me, but also for many in the Body of Christ. While I’ve addressed how distractions keep us from hearing the Holy Spirit in previous posts and in both of my books, would you believe I have been too distracted to sit with the Lord long enough to hear what He has to say about this pressing matter? Woe is me!

Determined to gain deeper revelation on the matter, I got out my journal and wrote, “The Age of Distraction,” and then wrestled to quiet myself. Unfortunately, not even a minute passed before something took my focus away from seeking the Lord! While there are many legitimate issues that crop up and demand our immediate attention, this was not one of those times. As it happened, I looked out my window, as I often do while journaling, and a beautiful Eastern Bluebird flew up and landed on my newly planted basket of violas. The brilliance of the sun lit his vibrant blue feathers and brick-red chest, and the light electrified the array of purple flowers. Together they were an explosion of spring colors and a joy to behold! I hurried into the kitchen to get my camera and suddenly realized that THIS is what the Holy Spirit was teaching and wanted me to understand about distractions!

We may be aware that wicked powers and principalities use all sorts of distractions to keep us from God’s best, but we also need to be on the lookout for good things that can usurp God’s will for our lives. There’s a time to grab the camera and capture a lovely photo of God’s creation, but we can’t allow such beauties to steal our focus away from the Creator of that beauty! As Jesus said, “Wisdom is justified by her children.”

Looking at this subject anew, I believe this onslaught of distractions keep the Body of Christ from consulting the Lord, studying His Word, and being faithful in prayer and service. By design, the enemy of our soul uses all sorts of distractions to dull our spiritual senses. We must learn to wait patiently on the Lord, and then move only in His timing. If He tarries, may we be wise and tarry with Him, but when He says to “GO” then we must GO!

Father God, in Jesus’ mighty name, we ask that You help us to see distractions for what they are. Please teach us to keep our eyes upon You. We pray for Your will to be done in us, and that we will recognize when something is diverting our attention from seeking Your face. Amen

In the Father’s abiding love,
Judy A Bauman


Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 05:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, April 23 2018

To My Weary Saints: A love letter from Abba

“The continual bombardment of wicked and depraved news has caused many of My people to grow weary in well doing. Some have allowed their words to become as bitter springs instead of living water. This should not be.

“Remember, the water I give will be as a well springing up to eternal life! The water I give is to flow from your innermost being as rivers of living water. This life-giving water is to be shared with a parched world.

“Have I not spoken through My word that there will be perilous times? Do not allow your love to grow cold, dear ones. Your adversary relishes the thought of any of My bought and paid for saints turning from Me and following him. Many of My children have been and are being persecuted, and some wonder why I have abandoned them when I am actually right by their side. Like Job and his friends, they listen to the reasoning of their own minds to explain why someone is suffering.

“If you want to avoid spiritual drought, then you need to drink from My living waters and not run to the world for your information. Don’t drink from tainted waters and expect to stay healthy. They are continually fed by streams filled with death and destruction. If you drink from their deadly waters, this will be all you can see. You will not be able to see and rejoice in the glorious and miraculous things I Am doing all around the world.

“Beloved, be the cool refreshing drink to those around you who don’t have My words hidden in their hearts. Be the ones who bring light into the darkness and sprinkles salt on the tasteless, decaying ones who so desperately need salvation and deliverance. Do not grow weary in well doing, My child. In due season you will, you will, you will reap a harvest if you faint not.”

Your loving

Scriptures to Ponder:
Matthew 24:10-12; 21; John 4:14; 7:38; Job 4:1-9; 1 Peter 5:8; James 3:10-12; Gal 6:9

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 05:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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