Jewels from Judy: Charlatans Have Entered My House
Judy A Bauman
“Charlatans have entered My house! Some of the watchmen have failed to see the hirelings who have breached their walls. The fog of deception is so thick; the shepherds have not seen that they themselves have unwittingly opened the gate to thieves. They have not even been alerted by the words the sooth-sayers speak in private – words of slander and gossip and mistrust. Even violent vengeful words are overlooked as ‘passion’. They have allowed them to come into My house and ignore them ravaging My sheep. I hear the sheep, which I have placed under their care, bleating in My ears. They cry out for help, but the charlatans have gained favor with these leaders. The very ones who are given authority to expose and deal with the wolves, have not only embraced their lies, but they are propagating them.
“The enemy is subtle and deceptive and knows where My watchmen have been wounded in the past. He has sent in charlatans to distract and provoke them to speak from their wounds and offenses. I understand that in days past, some suffered false accusations, but understand that charlatans are using that information to work the leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod into some ministries. These are ministries that have heard clearly from Me in the past, so their reputation keeps them in front of the multitudes. I advise them to remove the leaven that puffs up and distorts what I Am is saying in this day. As I told the church at Sardis, wake up and strengthen that which remains. Strengthen that which is weak.
“Remember what you have received and heard and repent for prophesying from the ‘Intel’ received from the charlatans. Do not prophesy and use each other’s words to ‘confirm’ what I Am saying when I have not spoken to you. Keep true to the mandate given you. Stop calling conspiracy what others are calling conspiracy. Only address what I am calling you to address. I am more concerned with what is happening in My house than all the evil in the enemy’s camp.
“Do you recall how many Israelites it took to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem? Even Nehemiah, who was overseeing the project, could only be in one place at a time. The enemy has some of you thinking you are to be on multiple walls at a time while also guarding the gates. However, this will dilute your ministry, and it will become as ineffectual as a hammer driving a nail into the dirt. The thief seeks to do this not only to the ministry I gave you but also to your physical body. So beware!
“I have given you specific assignments and skills. I have gifted you for particular purposes. Will you continue to think so highly of yourself because of the gifts I have given, that you will run (mind, body, and soul) to and fro, wildly waving your arms thinking you are warning My sheep when you are only repeating the grandiose tales of the charlatan and bringing a sense of hopelessness to the Body? Are you not called to be a voice of hope found in Christ?
“My first apostles had assignments and followed My Holy Spirit as to where to and when to go. They perceived where I was sending them, as well as when I was prohibiting them from going into an area. I exhort you, My watchman, to go back to the blueprints I gave you at first and do those things. Go back and study the plans and share the GOOD NEWS! The anointing I gave you is not for your own edification, but for those whom I’ve called you to impart all My Holy Spirit can give. So don’t confuse your anointing with My desire for them.
“Pray to Me to recognize the charlatans and ask Me if you have embraced and pulled one or more close to your bosom. Some of you have pulled them so close you don’t see they have wrapped themselves around you so tightly that they will soon devour you! Take the sword of the Spirit, which is My word, to free yourself from the wicked one before you are consumed! This is a spiritual battle, so it must be fought and won by My Spirit. Pray for MY discernment. If you look closely, you will see a trail of body bags left in the charlatan’s wake. Investigate whether an accusation presented to you is true or false. Do not assume either way. Do not go by a vague confirmation, but look for tangible evidence. I will expose it and show you, but these are experts at the art of deception, so you must carefully watch and listen.
“Remember, you are to equip the Body for the work of the ministry, so do not use My beloved as steppingstones for yours. Do not build a ministry that becomes a ‘monument to man,’ for that will be your only reward. To whom much is given, much is required. You think you are awake, but if you mock those whom you deem asleep, you yourself are deceived and asleep. You mock My sheep because you think they are forsaking the fellowship and rejecting your leadership, but what many of them are really doing is hiding in Me! Do not sit in the seat of mockers and the scornful. My sheep hear My voice and know I Am their Ever-present help in times of trouble.
“Repent and return to your First Love, Christ Jesus, or I shall remove your lampstand. Those whom I love I reprove and discipline. Repent and be zealous for Me anew. Be ready to punish your disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
“He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the watchman and shepherds,”
The Lord of the army of angels
Personal note: It is with fear and trembling that I submit this word to the watchmen and the shepherds, the leaders of God’s house. Though the Lord used masculine pronouns when giving me this word, this appeal is for both men and women who serve the Lord in this capacity. I believe this is a kairos Joshua 5:13-15 moment for many in the ministry!
char·la·tan (shär′lə-tən) n. A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a fraud.
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Scripture references:
2 Tim 3:2-4, 16; John 10:7-14; Jer 10:21-24; 23:1-4; Matt 24:4-5; Gen 3:1; Rev 3:2-3; Is 8:11-13; Neh 3; 1 Cor 5:4-8; Ps 107:25-32; Rom 12:3; Matt 7:21-27; Col 1:24-29; Acts 10:19-20, 16:6; 1 Cor 9:16; Jer 29:11; Rev 12:9; 1 Peter 5:8; Eph 6:17; Eph 4:11-13; 1 Tim 5:19-20; Luke 12:48
Ps 46:1; Ps 1:1;Ps 32:7-8. Heb 10:23-25; Heb 12:11; Rev 3:17-22; 2 Cor 10:3-6;
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