Jewels from Judy: The Currency of Heaven
Judy A Bauman
The Currency of Heaven: An Exhortation from the Father
When I inspire a person, and they receive it, there is life released through and in what they do. I have given mankind great abilities. While some may take credit for themselves, those who give Me glory for what they do, I will breathe life into them and give them more.
I am looking for people who will allow Me to inspire them. I am looking for people who will receive the training of the world, yet not be tainted by godless teachers. I can take one’s training and magnify it by bringing great ideas and inventions to solve problems and bring relief to the orphan and widow.
When greed arises, and those ideas are used for selfish reasons, it causes trouble. The greed of man cannot produce the righteousness of God. You cannot serve God and mammon.
Your presence is the currency of heaven. THAT is what is most valuable to Me. Come listen and hear what I have to tell you. Come eat and drink my food and water, My wine, My milk; eat My honey and be refreshed in My presence.
- Allow Me to instruct you
- Allow Me to feed you
- Allow Me to lead you on My path
- Come and listen
- Hear My words spoken to your heart
- I will give you rest
- I will give you strength for the day
The solutions you seek to the questions you ask will be given to you when you do.
I Am waiting for you,