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Jewels From Judy

Monday, February 08 2010

When the Saints Go Marching In: Pondering the Superbowl win


This year I have not followed football or really any sports, so it was strange that I was so excited when I heard the "Saints" were going to play in the Superbowl.  All week I kept hearing the joyful song, When the Saints Go Marching In, play in my head. While this win means something for the Saints' home of New Orleans, what the Lord was revealing to me was not about a city, but about a people - His saints (believers in Jesus).  This morning I inquired of the Lord what He was saying through this team's victory, especially since they were not favored to win. I believe this to be an instructional word for the saints of God to go forth in His name and power.  There is also instruction for the competing "Colts".  I release with reverence what I believe I heard Him say:

It is a new era in which I am again calling My saints to rise up, "march in" and take authority over all the power of the enemy. Have I not said that those who listen to you (My saints) listen to Me, and those who reject you reject Me?  The ones who reject Me also reject the One who sent Me. I glorified My Father who sent Me and as I was sent, I send you.  Your eyes are blessed to see what I am showing you.  (See Luke 10:16, 19, 23)

The Colts (a young horse which is also symbolic of the growing apostolic movement) may have been favored to win, but they (those called to be apostles) still need time to mature.  I did not want a win at this time to go to their heads. (See First Timothy 3:6)  Their win in 2007 was to encourage the apostolic move during that season, but it is time for them to grow up so they can run with endurance and effectively equip the saints for the work of the ministry.  (See Ephesians 4:11, 12)  It is My desire for the all saints (believers) of God to win the race set before them.  While the "Saints" did not have the favor of man, they are and will continue to be favored of Me!  (See Hebrews 12:1)

Beloved saints, the weapons of your warfare are not found in the physical realm but in the spiritual.  These weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of wicked fortresses.  These are the weapons I urged you to use when I said, "The kingdom of God suffers much violence, but the violent take it by force."  I was not referring to physical violence or the strength of man, but the use of spiritual weapons: song (praise and worship), prayer, fastings, giving, walking in compassion and forgiveness, speaking the words of life and light when death and darkness surround you, being salt and reflecting the light of My love.  These are but a few examples of My chosen weapons.  (See Second Corinthians 10:4; Second Chronicles 20:21-24).

I pray you learn from historical mistakes. Anything that forces one to proclaim "Jesus is Lord" is not of Me. (i.e.: Constantine's rule, The Crusades, Witch-hunts, and persecution of Jews in the name of Jesus to name a few.)  These movements never advanced the kingdom of heaven.  Anyone coming to Me in fear will not stay once the perceived fear is removed. They must experience My love.  I do not force people to convert and I do not kill.  I forgive and deliver; I heal, save and give life in abundance. (See John 10:10)  I Am slow to anger and abound in mercy; I Am your Standard.  I Am love.  Follow Me. (See Psalm 103:1-13)

This is how My saints should march in and this is the hour for them to do it!  Behold the harvest is white and plentiful. May My saints arise from their slumber, shine in My light and bring forth the harvest. (See Matthew 9:35-38; Isaiah 60:1-3)



King of kings, the Commander of the armies of the angels and saints

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 08:49 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
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