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Jewels From Judy

Friday, February 15 2008

An Exhortation From The Heart Of Father To Yours: My Uncut Jewels

When a stone of great value is unearthed, it can be very dull to the natural eye.  It takes a trained eye to see its worth.  Many precious stones have been cast aside because the one digging did not have the eyes to see what it was they had in their hands.

This is also true of My jewels - those I Am drawing to Myself by My Spirit.  Those around My jewels-in-the-rough who fail to see their great worth and beauty often cast them aside and look for another that is already polished.

It is My desire when a stone, a new born-again believer, is found, it is carefully handled and cut to precision.  I want the beautiful facets, which I have infused into their being at conception, to sparkle and shine in the light of My glory.

I Am calling My apostles, My prophets, My evangelists, My pastors and teachers to see the great worth that is all around them.  Look at the jewels I have given you, My leaders!  Behold the value - the eternal value that I have sat in your midst!  Each and every person is of great value to Me.  Look carefully at who I have sent your way.  Look for the passion in their eyes that came from being pressed in on every side by the fire of My glory.  Coal placed under intense pressure and heat creates diamonds.  My fire creates a thing of beauty in a new believer transforming them from a lump of coal to a diamond.

Some of My jewels are already cut and you need only help them be placed in their proper setting.  Others have been cut but need to be polished. Some have been partially cut and need you to help finish the job so they can shine.  This can be difficult if the "jeweler" before you damaged My beautiful stone; believe Me when I tell you that nothing is wasted in My kingdom.

There are stones that have just recently been unearthed; these you will have the privilege of seeing go from a lump of coal to a beautifully set stone.   You will first clean them with the Living Water and help to cut away the old rock with the skillful use of My sword. You must be careful and loving in this process.  Be mindful of what you are doing.  Make a careful examination of the natural nuances of each precious stone.  If you are of My Spirit, this will humble you and that one you have set will also humbly reflect My glory. If you are of another spirit you will be prideful and so will your stone - taking all for self-glory.  So I caution you to walk in humility in this process knowing you can only accomplish this with My wisdom and counsel.  Do not fear or worry, as I will not leave you alone in the process but will guide your way to perfection.

There are stones you will come across that are still coal and you must leave them to Me.  These are the ones that haven't given their life to Christ.  They may attend or belong to a church, but they do not fully belong to Me.

Behold!  The fields sparkle with jewels!  Ask Me for the tools and the settings and I will give them to you.  If you see the great value all around you and you follow My instructions, by the end of this year you will look at your jewels and be amazed at what they are doing to bring honor and glory and praise to My kingdom.  As I have shown you, show others.



The Jeweler:

I saw a jeweler who sat on a short, wheeled stool in the middle of two tables placed in the shape of an upside-down L.  To his left on the table shorter in length sat a very large and beautiful golden crown.  Its front was very tall, not like a king's crown, but more like the pope's MITRE. On it there were many vacant spaces to place jewels.  A few large and very costly stones had already been set into place. 

On the longer table were hundreds of stones in all stages of cutting. The jeweler wore a magnifying eye piece so that he could carefully examine each stone.  He only looked for those already polished and of great value, but even in his haste many beautiful stones were falling off the table and were getting lost in the cracks and corners of the floor. Some of incalculable value fell through the cracks and were never retrieved.  There were some stones in raw form that were of greater value than any jewel on the crown, but because they were not cut in facets and polished, the jeweler quickly looked them over.  Those uncut stones of great worth had been given to him to cut and shape into a masterful thing of beauty, but even the large stones of immense value were haphazardly being knocked off the table.  Some fell into the trash and were inadvertently thrown out. 

All these jewels were given to him to bring glory to the Kingdom of God, but they were also for his crown to present to the Lord. The crown of exquisite beautiful was sparsely filled considering the amount of jewels that had been given the jeweler.

The warning given to the jeweler was to slow down and look more closely at the stones that had been given him. He was not to look with his natural eye that magnified all the flaws, imperfections and the lack of polish residing in the stones, but he was to look with the magnified eye of the Spirit of God that would show him its amazing beauty that was hidden within each stone and He would give the exact skill and precision needed to bring it out.

Vision: 2002

Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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