Jewels From JudySaturday, December 31 2005
This word from the Lord keeps ringing in my ears, "Satan is out to destroy you, and he is using your own appetite to do it." He spoke this to a friend of mine who then shared it with me. It has been a seed planted whose time has come to bear fruit. It is my belief that it is time for us to align ourselves physically with God's plan for our lives. I believe the Lord has shown me that His supernatural grace is awaiting all who will call upon Him concerning the condition of their health and weight. His grace truly is sufficient for us; however, there are certain seasons where He opens up the windows of heaven to give grace and more grace for His specific purpose. Six being the number of man, or the number of flesh, I believe that the Holy Spirit is prompting us to get our flesh to line up with God's word. The Lord has repeatedly confirmed this message to me and I pray this word will touch you concerning what seems to be a plague upon the church. Many in the Body of Christ, including myself, are out of shape physically. As a result many in the church are falling ill and some have already succumbed. I believe many have met the Lord before their true time because they didn't submit to Him to get their bodies into shape for the task at hand. This does however keep us from fulfilling our mission in this life as God would have it fulfilled. This is not meant to condemn us. On the contrary! This word is meant to spur us on to deliverance! As we know, diabetes and obesity are at record highs inAmerica and around the world. Health alerts posted are found everywhere in media. The medical profession is expecting a crisis on the system because of the current health trends. Since New Year's Day is the classic season for 'resolutions' it would seem this is the time to take action. However, let's not take action according to the flesh - in our own power - let us take action by God's power and by His grace. Let us as the Body of Christ act now and be examples to the world of God's goodness and grace as we care for the temples of the Holy Spirit that the Father has made us. God has entrusted us to this task. Let being His temple be our motivation. Let our love for Jesus be our motivation. Remember when Paul exhorted us to imitate him as he imitates Christ? Remember when he said, 'Be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.'? See 1 Timothy 4:12 and 1 Corinthians 11:1. We truly CAN do all things that strengthen us! Philippians 4:13 Church, I believe that our example of taking care of the temple of the Holy Spirit needs to be taken seriously. See 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17 and Romans 12:1-3. Maybe you are at a place that this is not important enough to you for you to take action. I have been complaining about my weight and general lack of energy for a few years now without truly taking action. So trust me, I understand. But for my sake and for yours it is my deepest desire for that to come to a screeching halt. Faith without works is dead. If God is speaking to you right now and you know it - then let's come together as Christ's body and do something about it! Let us take the Lord's hand and be delivered together. Are we not to be examples of God's grace, love and purity to the world? Are we not the ones who have the Holy Spirit to help us in all things? Do we not have the Spirit of Truth residing in us - giving us self-control? Let God be true and every man a liar! Clearly, Satan the enemy of our souls has crept in unaware and we have allowed it. We must first be repentant for the lack of care we have given the temple of the Holy Spirit. We need to become as the Mighty Men of Valor and become vigilant in the fight - taking this battle very seriously. Our very lives depend on it, and not only that, but many other souls eternally depend on it! We must cast down every thought down and into obedience to the Lord Jesus and take every thought captive. 2 Corinthians 10:4, 5 God will give us the grace to win - as He has made us more than conquerors, however, we must take action! I believe that every work of the flesh is going to be dealt with this year! This will be true first in the church and also in the world. Your addiction may not be food. It may be alcohol, drugs (prescription or illicit), sex, pornography, or smoking cigarettes. It may be something else, but you will know that the Lord is dealing with you. Let us learn to use the Word - our sword - to fight and prevail over our own fleshly appetites Satan has been using to defeat us. We are all going to be dealt with this year concerning our flesh. If you obey He will see you through this battle. If you disobey then He may lift His grace until the next season when He sees fit to open the door for you. I implore you to obey God now during this season of grace over flesh, and see His Mighty Right Hand of deliverance over your life. See Isaiah 41:10. I know some have to hear the news that they have diabetes or even wait until a heart attack or cancer strikes before taking action, but I pray that every person reading this will be infused by God to take real action. Desperate times call for desperate measures I've heard! It is my desire for us to take action now. If you are one who has received this type of distressing medical news, be encouraged that the Lord is opening the door to you to turn the tables on the enemy. Death has lost its sting! God has you in His hands. There are no better hands for you to be in. Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Three days this week I was awoken at 8:09 (I'm on vacation - thank God for libraries with computers!) After the third time I thought maybe the Lord was leading me into His word. I began to seek out Scriptures. Since I have been urged this is the year that the flesh is subject to the Spirit I found my search fascinating! Romans 8:9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. 1 Corinthians 8:9 But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak. Zechariah 8:9 "Thus says the Lord of hosts: 'Let your hands be strong, You who have been hearing in these days These words by the mouth of the prophets, Who spoke in the day the foundation was laid For the house of the Lord of hosts, That the temple might be built. In Hebrews, Ezekiel and Jeremiah 8:9, I would suggest that you read verses around them so that the ninth verse will make sense. Here is an idea: If this word does resound in you, please contact me and let's see if there is a way that we can help to keep one another accountable. I believe that is the primary reason for fellowship - accountability. Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance! Judy |