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Jewels From Judy

Saturday, December 31 2011

A Word Of Encouragement And Hope From The Father’s Heart To Yours:

“As many of you have sensed, it has been a year of pruning and though it’s been difficult to endure, I Am a God of hope! With pruning comes a sweet and bountiful harvest.”*
“It was also a year to see the leaven of heaven rise! My leaven brings a lightening of your load. My leaven brings a flavorful taste of heaven. Taste and see that Your Lord is good. My mercy really does endure forever. My loving-kindness surrounds your daily walk. 
“Many have cried to Me to end the pain of the pruning, but once you have been pruned it is time for healing.  Then will come a season of growth. I Am the Author and Finisher of your faith and am more interested in developing your character than anything else; and that comes when you persevere in tribulation. This will instill a hope in you that no one can take so that no matter what is going on in the world around you, you will not be disappointed!
“I love you. Do you truly believe that – even though I have not rushed to bring you out of the circumstance that has caused you pain? Do you see I’ve systematically exposed the leaven in your life that has contradicted My plan for you? 
“I warned to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. This is the leaven that causes religious people to puff up with the hot air of self-importance. Legalism is the wellspring of pride, arrogance and elitism.  These believe they are high and mighty. This is what causes their noses to physically go up in the air and look down on others expecting them to live up to their standards.  I Am the Standard! 
“I warned to beware of the leaven of the Sadducees for their religion is founded in error. Like the Pharisees they think they have it right, but they are scripturally wrong. They lead others into error and sin. I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one can come to the Father except through Me,”says the Lord.
“I warned to beware of the leaven of Herod – that is to say, THE WORLD’S SYSTEM. His was the fleshly way of doing things. He was thirsty for power and never was satiated. He always wanted more, but was continually lacking. The governments of this world are like rivers in My hand. As you have seen world leaders’ fall this past year, you will see Me move in ways that are unprecedented. What I will do in the coming days will be undeniable – though some will do their best to refute that it’s Me. The earth is the LORD’S as are those who dwell therein.
“If you have allowed the Leaven of Heaven from twenty-eleven (2011) to be worked into your hearts, you will see more from the Third Heaven in the coming days. If not, ask Me, and I will help you make up for lost time. My desire is to show you My perspective as I see things much differently than you do. I have unusual battle plans and strategies to release. My perspective on world events will allow you to see beyond what is happening on earth and prepare you for a harvest which will increase in and beyond twenty-twelve. I have a hope and a future for you. I Am the God who sees.
“The time of times is upon you. If you look up, you can see the rising of the water. I gave a sign through a surfer who gloriously rode a 90’ wave. What I said through that specific event was that the wave is upon you and it will soon be time to ride it. Position yourself! Position yourself! Position yourself!”
Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine for your light has come! The glory of the LORD is risen upon you.
“Keep doing the things I have asked you to do. Keep studying. Keep seeking Me. Stop condemning yourself and watch the shackles fall off. Stay by My side and you will know what you need to do. Keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes on Me.
“Watch and see what I do in this day and hour. Eye has not seen what I will do. Have I not spoken it? I will surely cause it to come to pass. All will be surprised. Some will be delighted, but more will be in terror because they’ve failed to understand.
“It is my desire that you bring more people to the Table of My Delight. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”
Forever your,
Scriptures To Ponder:
Matt 11:28-30; 13:33; 16:6; Mark 8:15; Romans 5:1-5; 12:1-2; Hebrews 4:16; 12:1-2; Jeremiah 29:11-14a
Ministry Note: There is a great expectation for ministry – which is sharing the Father’s love to nations. The Lord asks who will go and my heart’s cry is “send me!” I am particularly seeing all of Europe (especially where the “ground” has been very rocky, thorny, barren difficult to plow) becoming fertile and workable soil for the Kingdom of God. The people of Europe are as clay in the Potter’s hand! If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please sow into this work. You may contribute online by credit card at or send a check or money order to:
The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
May you be blessed by the Father’s love.
Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Rev. Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:54 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
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