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You are Called

Jewels from Judy: You are Called

Judy Bauman

“I have called you to walk in My peace and joy. How will the world be able to tell that you are Christ’s disciples unless you walk in My love? What makes your life stand out to others who are on the outside looking in? They have to see a difference. It may irritate them for a season, and this may cause you to be persecuted, but did I not say that those who follow me will suffer and that this suffering is from having fellowship with Me?

“As fire consumes, so I consume the chaff out of your lives. What remains is the ingredient for hot, fresh, heavenly bread! Be My living bread on earth as you follow Me. I have called you. I Am calling you out, I Am calling you in, I Am calling you around, and I Am calling you through. Will you answer?”

Lovingly yours,




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