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Vision of the Cross

Vision Of The Cross - Words Of Warning

Judy Bauman 


Dear Ones in Christ,


Though this vision and word was given on July 12, 2000, only now do I believe I am released to share this with you. I do so with the permission and blessing of our elders.




Morning Prayer took place at 5:30 a.m. at the home of our elders, Sam and Linda Jackson. It lasted about 5 months and this specific morning was the culmination of that time. Once in awhile others had made the 14 mile trek from town, but generally it was just Sam, Linda, my husband, Jeff, and I who regularly attended. This particular morning it was appropriately only the four of us, as we had that day completed a 50 day time of consecration. It was a very difficult time of testing to prepare us for hard days to come. When we arrived that morning Linda was preparing the Lord's Supper. It was so joyful because the Lord had also spoken to me en route to end this 50 day period by sharing the cup and the bread, and here Linda was already setting the table when we arrived! It was a wonderful confirmation for us both. She had been impressed to use her wedding glasses. The groom's glass was there, but we all drank from the bride's glass. The air was charged with expectation. It was a very solemn and reflective time.




After we had taken the bread and the cup we each quietly wept as we worshipped. There was such a sweet and powerful presence of the Lord. Suddenly, I heard a deep rumbling like an earthquake, but it seemed to be centered in the table. I opened my eyes and looked around to see if anyone else had heard it, but they were quietly praying. Thinking I had imagined it, I shut my eyes. Again the rumbling started. This time I kept my eyes shut and 'saw' as in a vision, coming up from the middle of the table, the Cross of Christ. It was very craggy, dirty and rugged. I was afraid to look at it; afraid but compelled to look anyway. As I saw the cross coming up, I saw the top of Jesus' head and the Crown of Thorns smashed onto His bleeding head. Knowing what was to come next, I turned away as I didn't want to see anymore. The rumbling continued and I knew the cross was continuing to rise up. I could hear the Lord Jesus gently asking me to look at Him. I glanced over in time to see His chest and extended arms on the crossbeam. When I saw His hands nailed into the Cross I was so grief-stricken and terrified, I turned away again. I wanted to see Him - but I didn't want to see Him like that! By this time the rumbling had stopped as the cross was completely lifted up straight above me in the center of the table. The Lord again tenderly yet firmly spoke to my heart, "Look at Me." As I slowly opened my eyes to look up, I first saw His feet and then I saw His legs. They were muddy and cut up with a mixture of dried and fresh blood running down them. Then I saw the face of Christ beaten to a bloody pulp. His eyes were swollen shut and bruised. I didn't want to look; I couldn't bear it. Then His sweet voice resolutely commanded, "Look at Me." I looked straight at His beaten and disfigured face and wept. He slightly opened His left swollen eye and looked long at me. It broke my heart to see Him in such terrible pain and so close to death. Even at such a dark time, there was a light in His eye that compelled me to gaze at Him. Then He did something that shocked me. He mustered a grin and winked at me with that swollen eye. He said, "Watch what happens next, Toots!" Then there was a brilliant flash of light that appeared to go from one end of a horizon to the other. The vision ended. I knew what I saw was the light of His resurrection. At first I wasn't sure if I had imagined this whole scene or what had just happened, especially when He called me ?Toots' - something that my uncle used to affectionately call me when I was a child. That totally caught me off guard! Then we all spontaneously started to pray and worship together out loud.


(I will add here, to the glory of God, that this vision happened four years prior to Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion of the Christ. When I saw that movie I was so stunned, not only because of its content, but because the actor portrayed had the exact face the Lord showed me that morning on the Cross!)





As we began to pray, this somber word came forward. Sam and Linda both have a prophetic mantle.


Linda spoke:


"As you would sweep, clean and knock down the cobwebs before applying paint, so I apply a new paint. But, I brush upon you a new, fresh anointing on your hearts. I paint a new anointing on your heart. Just as with each war and revolution, there are new tools and new weapons developed. As I do in a new move, I cannot use old tools. There will be new paint, and new anointing to walk in a new day."


Sam spoke:


"This is the hour I spoke of that I will shake heaven and earth. All that has been built on the sand of men - like sink holes - will be swallowed up. I will build My house. No more will they say, ?Run here - run there.' I will send a famine of My Word. Yes, My Word. They shall seek My Word and only those to find it will be those who seek. [Those who diligently seek; will be the bearers of My Word.] Everything that can be shaken WILL be shaken. You will know the truth from false. You will not be deceived if you abide in My place. My house is a house of safety. Abide in Me."


"Come to My light. Even the dimmest of light will draw man to My house. I have allowed this gross darkness. I allowed Satan, as I allowed Pharaoh to bring darkness. My glory WILL be seen. You are My houses, My living stones. Think it not strange concerning the ripping and tearing. Let not your heart be troubled. This must come to pass in My house. It is for My purpose."


"There will be earthquakes and rumors of earthquakes. There will be wars and rumors of wars, but the earthquakes I send are going to shake My places of worship. Places of worship have been a stench in My nostrils. I WILL shake and tear them down. There will be wars in your own family in My house. They will turn against you. People will come against you in My own house."


They tell you, "Dance! There will be no church as usual."


"All will worship Me [in spirit and in truth]. No more biting and devouring. I WILL restore My glory. They will say, "Is this the Lord?" They bite and devour [My little sheep]. But My truth will be seen."


The Spider


At this point the lights went off and then back on very quickly. When the lights came back on, a large spider was walking right in front of us. I quickly killed the spider and put him in the trash. This is important because it is addressed later in the prophecy.


Sam moved into a prayer at this point speaking to the Lord:


"Everything that You have not planted will be rooted out. You start with Your house, Your elders, everything that is not of You will be struck down. We submit to You. We will not put our hand to the Ark - we will allow You to shake it. We will not carry it in an unworthy manner." (An earlier prophecy told us that God was shaking the 'ark' and that anyone putting their hand to it to stabilize it would be struck dead.)


"Aaron's dead rod bore fruit. You will stop the mouths of the people. You will show who is Your Aaron and the people will know. You will show with signs following. It is Your hour and we thank You. We anticipate You. We're tired of our own programs, our own works. You will complete and finish. Your work hour has come. It is here. You have kept the best wine for last [as you did at the wedding]. You have kept it in the cupboard. But you bring it out now. The strongest [wine], for the battle is strong. Thank You for bringing the best wine for this battle. You are The Breath of Life. There is no hope besides You, Father... no life. We eat Your body and drink Your blood. Thank You for Your work. Help us to see, understand, and adhere. Thank You for giving understanding to Your Word this morning. Everyone will see Your hand upon the wall. You will be precise and all shall see, all shall hear. Some will run under a rock. But ALL will know it is You."


"The harvest will be overflowing. The fields are ripe. We enter into those who precede us. But You have given us a new sharpened threshing instrument for this harvest. The wagons will be full of wheat and silos will be overflowing with wheat. You will appoint us to the fields and show us the ripe harvest."


The Admonishment:


"The spider that comes to distract will quickly be killed and My Word goes forward. Do not be moved. Hold fast to what I Am saying. Distractions come in, but ABIDE! Do not look to the right or to the left. Abide."


"We think we will go to church to hear the Lord. If we don't hear Him in our houses, we're in trouble! Uzzah was placed to care for the ark. He was too familiar with it and took it casually. God waits patiently. But it comes to a place where people are partying and they say, "We are going to bring the ark to the city!" God shook the cart and Uzzah died. The party stopped. We're going to be in fear and trembling. Death. Fear is the beginning of wisdom. What we think is worship is a stench. Proceed in the fear of the Lord. Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. NO chasing names - chase God. He will remove it all together. NO WORSHIP OF MAN! He is a jealous God.


The Scripture:


My husband, Jeff, then added that the Lord had just directed him to:

Proverbs 1:20 Wisdom calls aloud outside; She raises her voice in the open squares. 21 She cries out in the chief concourses, At the openings of the gates in the city She speaks her words: 22 "How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, And fools hate knowledge. 23 Turn at My rebuke; Surely I will pour out My spirit on you; I will make My words known to you. 24 Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out My hand and no one regarded, 25 Because you disdained all my counsel, And would have none of my rebuke, 26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes, 27 When your terror comes like a storm, And your destruction comes like a whirlwind, When distress and anguish come upon you. 28 "Then they will call on Me, but I will not answer; They will seek Me diligently, but they will not find Me. 29 Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord, 30 They would have none of My counsel And despised My every rebuke. 31 Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled to the full with their own fancies. 32 For the turning away of the simple will slay them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; 33 But whoever listens to Me will dwell safely, And will be secure, without fear of evil."


May the peace of God that surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Amen.


In His service,





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