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Leaven of the Father's Love

Jewels from Judy: The Leaven of My Love

Judy Bauman

The Leaven of My Love – a prophetic word from the Father

“Most seasonal changes are gradual, but at times, they become distinct. Like a warm breeze after a cold winter alerts you to the arrival of spring, so too can My Spirit bring forth the awareness of a new spiritual season.

“What some have thought was a failure in the past season, I will reveal as a success. Conversely, some of what has been seen by men as a success, will be reveled as being done in the strength of the flesh. In a moment’s time, I can bring forth understanding and wisdom so that there is a fullness of revelation. What I plant in the hearts of My beloved, will bring forth a harvest.

“So stop fretting!

“Stop contending with what you perceive to be keeping you from My best. I Am the Maker of heaven and earth. Not one blade of grass exists outside of My sovereign will. Surely, I Am able to keep you. The biggest issue is not if I will answer prayer; the biggest issue is will My Church believe what I say? Will you look at the precedent I set for you – and do it? Will you listen to the Logos (written) and the Rhema (spoken) word of God and heed the whole counsel of your God and King?

“If only bits and pieces of it are taken to heart and obeyed, My word becomes something other than what it is. It is easy for man to add to or take away from what I have spoken. I counsel you to guard yourself from this common and presumptuous mistake.

“Though it may not seem like much, remember, a little yeast will leaven the whole loaf. If it is the leaven of heaven, then the people will increase in love and good works. If the leaven is of the Pharisees, Sadducees, or Herod (religiously keeping the law without the Spirit, operating in religious error, or being puffed up and guided by worldly appetites and endeavors), then the fruit will be sour, rancid, and deadly.

“Allow My Spirit to blow upon you anew. Be refreshed as you see from My heavenly perspective. There is no need for fretting. No! It is time to rejoice and be strengthened by the joy of knowing your Father’s deep love for you.”


Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

    The Father's Love International Ministries

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