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Arise and Fulfill Your Destiny

Jewels from Judy: Arise and Fulfill Your Destiny

Judy Bauman

An exhortation: Arise and Fulfill Your Destiny

“The church’s voice has come into agreement with the schemes of her enemy by speaking his lies over America rather than My truth. The hopelessness of My people comes from the lack of faith in Me and the price I was willing to pay for them to be in communion with Me.

“If My people would sit and be still, (the words most hate to hear because the world’s busyness demands their attention) then they would hear from heaven and I would, as promised, heal their land. It is ‘My people who are called by My name’ that need to humble themselves, seek My face, turn from their wicked ways, then I will fulfill what is written. (See 2 Chronicles 7:14) I urge you to urge others to seek My face and hear My plans, not man’s. You are in the world, but not of it.

“Arise, My children! Arise in the love and well-being of your Father. Arise in My peace. Arise in My goodness and the bold meekness of My strength. Arise and fulfill your destiny in this day and hour.”

Your loving Abba

    The Father's Love International Ministries

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